Day 1 - Monday, April 13th ๐Ÿ’– Water Fast Group


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I want everyone to check in MINIMUM of once a day and if youโ€™re breaking your fast let us know :sparkling_heart: every fast is a good fast! If you break you jump back in!! Try to resist!


Iโ€™m just taking some time to grieve at the moment. My dad died 2 weeks ago so I have not been fasting. Just trying to stay strong. I will join in as soon as I can.


:pensive: Iโ€™m sorry to hear that :pray: My condolences to you and your family. Weโ€™ve had several people in our community lose loved ones lately :sparkling_heart: Prayers to everyone in these tough times. @Overcomer focus right now for everyone is on mental health and trying to adopting some normalcy and structure back into our lives, we are here for you :sparkling_heart::pray:


Thank you, Yasemin.

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Meโ€ฆ me. โ€ฆIโ€™m in. Had already started yesterday (Sunday). Letโ€™s do this!!


Iโ€™m in. I did a 3 day fast last week but wasnโ€™t able to get past it like I had plan. Excited for this!


Woo hooโ€ฆ On day 2 now
Last night was very troublesomeโ€ฆ This time i will not failโ€ฆ Trying to stay strong :muscle:

Iโ€™m sorry :neutral_face: to hear. Take as much time to grieve first before starting up again.


Thank you Compdude.


How is everyone doing today??? :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: How are you planning on staying busy today?


I missed the initial post, but iโ€™ll join now! Water Fasting! Love the sticky notes with each dayโ€™s number! Will do that for 7 days too!

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On day 3โ€ฆhaving severe headacheโ€ฆ But still keeping strongโ€ฆ How is everyone else???

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Hi dear
I m working from home and in the spare timeโ€ฆ Teaching my son and daughter

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I fell off the wagon, iโ€™m so anxious these days with everything that is happening and I always mindlessly reach for carbs when my anxiety is super high :((( Starting again today!


So Monday was a good day up until I had to make dinner for my kids. Itโ€™s so hard making food for others. Tuesday was a great successful day. Even did a workout. Feeling very determined! I/we can do this!!!


All the best :+1:

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Wowโ€ฆ Congratulations :confetti_ball:
Stay strong :muscle:
Me also on day 3

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On day 3โ€ฆ feeling great! :dancer:t4:


Iโ€™m reading about fasting and will watch some YT vids about fasting and autophagy to keep myself on track today. Iโ€™m nervous because I woke up with a coughโ€ฆ great. But I know that fasting is one of the best things for illness. I missed the initial post on this challenge, so my official start was last night, after dinner. I was trying for a 21-day water fast a few weeks ago, broke the fast on Day 6 or 7. However, I did transition into EOD and OMAD, so thatโ€™s good. Blew it around Easter because my friend had family over and we cooked for two days, so Iโ€™ve been trying to get back on OMAD and 36-hr fasting, but am glad the group started because I really want to complete a long water fast, but need support to do it!

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