Conclusion: Keto is faster–Test 4–The New Normal– Time Required after Binge

So, I just finished a fascinating study on recovery after Binge fast-breaking. You’ll love this…

So I fasted, then broke the fast twice by Binge, one time with treats from the Dollar store, and the other with low carb. I wanted to consume the exact same calories, but got the math wrong. Still, interesting results!

First, the Dollar Store and McDonald’s Binge:

Notice the 3443 calories!! I WENT OFF!
The very next day I restarted the fast and discovered that it took me 3 whole days and nights to return to my pre-binge weight.

Once I returned to the original weight I decided to experiment with a Ketogenic Binge:

Notice the calories were MUCH higher… 5243! Yikes!!
However, this morning, after weighting myself I returned to the same Pre-binge weight one whole day QUICKER. 2 whole days though 1800 calories MORE.
Blood Pressure Note: The blood pressure went up much higher and faster on keto Binge because of all the salt content.

3443 calories of Junk= 3 days and nights of fasting
5243 calories of Keto= 2 days and night of fasting

Conclusion: Breaking a fast with Keto is better. I get sick of keto food. Even this keto-binge refeed I had to choke down–SO MUCH FOOD. If you want good keto food you’ve got to make it yourself. That said, if you feel “the need” to refeed early, and have hopes of returning to the fast, keto eating is the way to break it. Binge refeed is a tragic mistake. If we jump off of fasting in this way-- ONCE JUST ONCE --we can expect a 3 day recovery time. In this way, for me at least, I proudly claim, “Fasting is the new normal.”


Okay I’m actually gonna say thank you! Like wow! I’m on day 4 of a fast and still am only showing trace ketones. Any thoughts on plain green tea while fasting? Because I can’t seem to break into deep ketosis this go.

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Not sure, but I’m under the impression that Ketosis is the product of both low food consumption AND low stress. No one seems able to say exactly when the stresses of life start to make ketosis difficult. Some experts scoff at altering your busy lifestyle one bit while fasting, but others seem to think that attitude is counterproductive. The oldest modern schools of fasting believing you should have a very slow lifestyle. They want you reading and meditating.
I’m thinking of

I’ve read a bit about that too, and have even done two extended fast with complete bed rest and water only. I was exhausted and weak and miserable. I find I enjoy fasting much more with electrolytes and a normally active day. I sometimes drank tea, but not too much. This is the first fast I’ve incorporated it. 5 days so far. Sugar finally went to 80’s so I’m happy now. I’ll get 2 days of it normal to help my body burn off the extra insulin.

Oh that’s awesome!

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