Cindy's Journal


Fasted: 48 hours
Workout (yesterday): 45 min workout from YouTube
Re-feed: one meal, 1 hour window

Morning weight, re-feed meal pics:

Had low key hunger all day and drank water, but was also getting a bit cranky :slightly_frowning_face:. So, I broke my fast today and drank some coconut water before eating my meal. Ate chicken cordon bleu, veggies, and deviled eggs. Also drank some chocolate tea with almond creamer.

Weight is coming off slow and steady which is okay :ok_hand:t3:! Clothes are fitting a bit looser, but not able to get into my smaller clothes yet. I noticed when I turned 40 years old (currently 42 years old), my body fat seemed to re-distribute differently? When I was at a certain weight I couldn’t fit into the same clothes when I was at that same weight in my 30’s. Interesting how my body has changed over the years! Sighhhh. Now back to fasting! :muscle:t3: :fire: :100:


4.25.22 I’m baaaaaaack. :rofl: Haven’t been on this forum in over a year!!! So glad it is still here because I really need accountability and this helped me last time.
Took some measurements and photos to help me track my progress. I’ll weigh myself tomorrow morning! I know I’m in the 150-ish pounds and my weight keeps climbing up :sob:
I don’t work at a school-aged daycare anymore. Now I’m in the social service field and sit at a desk most of the day. My eating and sleeping patterns are out of whack and I feel soooooo uncomfortable in my own skin. I want to be at a healthy weight range for my 4’11" body. I need to do this for my health!

My plan: My desk can be adjusted so I’m standing, so I think I will start standing a little bit and slowly increase the time each week. Also, I can walk outside during my breaks and lunch since I won’t be eating :sweat_smile:.
I’m going to do rolling 72 hour water fasts and eat a low carb/keto for re-feed meals. I’ll track my ketones and weight daily until I see the pattern and also take measurements once a week. Alright, going to bed. Let’s do this y’all :100: :heart: :mechanical_arm:

4.25.22 front 4.25.22 side

neck: 14.5"
L arm: 13.5"
R arm: 13"
bust: 40"
underbust: 35"
waist: 37"
hips: 42"
R thigh: 25"
R calf: 15.75"
L thigh: 24.5"
L calf: 16"