I am jumping into a long fast starting today. I have been practicing intermittent fasting for a few years am now going to reset my system with a long one- at least 21 days. I have chased this fast around the year but am finally DOING it now. Tomorrow I will report a successful day one!
Bethy's 2025 fasting success
Welcome to the forum !!!
Thank you! Day one is complete and I look forward to day two tomorrow! I look forward to the hunger waves and discomfort because it means I am making progress!
Today was imperfect but I will count it as a fast because I had so little - a little boiled pumpkin, bone broth, and dark chocolate. I don’t have any good excuses to put food in my mouth but I will not repeat this mistake tomorrow. I will fast clean tomorrow. My toughest times are 9 am, 3 pm, and 6 pm. I have forewarned myself for tomorrow.
Water fasting is a mental choice. I choose tomorrow not to taste food the entire day despite how I feel. I know I can do it. I didn’t accept the headache today but I choose to accept it tomorrow and actually look forward to it because I have worked through it before and know I can choose to again. I always feel so amazing once I get through to the other side and realize that I did it. I choose to succeed. I failed today because I chose to cook despite my resolution not to. It wasn’t necessary. I choose from one moment to the next- to fast.
I went home from work early with a low fever. Needless to say I broke my fast. I am a little frustrated but will get back to fasting once I am recovered.
I am back to fasting now at 11 am. I took some high quality vitamins and ate a nutritionally dense breakfast. I am now all set to continue my fasting. Come cravings and hunger I am again attacking my fat stores! I will carry through till January 31. No more excuses or delays like the entire last year!
Day one is complete!
Day two will be complete in 3 more hours!
Day three starts in 3 hours!!!
I am just having to be very intentional from one moment to the next to stick to my “to do” list and “busy” list and remove my mind from any thoughts of food.
Today was imperfect. I snacked a few times because I didn’t accept the discomfort. I expect it and WANT it tomorrow. Discomfort for the present=progress.
Today will be a clean water fast.
You’re doing awesome!!!
Thank you! The encouragement is so helpful and appreciated! You can’t imagine.
Day 2 is complete
I am honestly a little worried about tomorrow. I rarely make it to 72 hours. But I am determined to make it this time and make it clean, despite feeling low or having a headache. I know it will pass and I will feel so awesome after!
I fasted till 2:10 pm. And then ate a 800 calorie meal. I have no good excuse. Quite the contrary. I knew I was not sticking to my “success guidelines”. I allowed myself to think about food and do some baking which I had already decided I would not do because I know what follows… snacking… eating…broken fast… But i decided to stop by 4 pm. I’m going to give it another go as usual. Even though I have been so imperfect I have lost 6 lbs since I started this weight loss journey. Woohoo!
My problem is that I have just not decided to go all in. I am afraid of eating for a smaller body once I get to the other end of this fast… I am afraid of the refeed syndrome. ( I do have a refeed planned and prepped for a week though. I am prepared) Also, and this is the primary problem, I just like food and don’t suffer the detox symptoms well.
But I will “fail forward” and decide to go “all in.” It is a mental toughness that I am trying to build up and maintain. Cheers to another go at it with a decision to stick to my " to do" list and " avoid" list. Above all- drink water and fast!
For the past few days I have been " trying" to fast. I stayed well within my calorie deficit but have not yet decided to clean fast… honestly. I do it tomorrow though. I go all in. I want the detox symptoms, discomfort and all because it means I am healing and becoming tougher. I will fast clean tomorrow 1/22- 2/11. I begin my slow refeed then. My fiancee will be taking me out on a date on Valentine’s Day so I don’t have another day to put this fast off. I doing it now. Face the fear and grow!
I’m still fasting! Just 4 more hours to complete my first 24 hours! I feel really good. I’m a little sad to not eat but am pumped about succeeding this time! I have been very honest with myself about not even considering a bite or much. It always snowballs. I have also accepted that this whole experience will be hard and there will be challenges, temptations, and mind games the entire time. So I will not let down my guard. Also there is no more “easing into it”. I am DOING the fast now.
Day one is complete!
Day two is beginning! I am feeling very cautious. I WILL not slip up again. I will have a successful day two as well! I have had so many restarts, day ones and day twos. But this time I am committed to clench my teeth, tough it out, and get the job done.
I am fasting! I have passed up temptation many times today already. I feel strong. But I will be very careful to avoid food thoughts because I know that once I begin thinking about food I usually give in, but not today!
I slipped up just a little and had a few bits of meat. But I stopped. I’m am fasting right now, not eating. I am making my goals right now and will not be distracted.
I fasted today. It was " dirty" fasting but I will be good tomorrow.
I water fasted yesterday. I was doing great all day till I helped Mom in the kitchen for party preparations for tomorrow and snitched a few bites here and there. All week I have been eating low carb and well below my calorie budget for a normal day. So I have been losing weight. I’m now ten lbs down from where I started!!! But I still have not decided to water fast come what may. But I start again tomorrow, despite the party. My help will not be necessary. So I will avoid the food absolutely and succeed tomorrow.