40 Day Water Fast

Hello all!
Embarking on a 40 day water fast after I give birth. Not sure on exact day at the moment, but due date is May 9th! Think I will wait a week before starting regardless of when she arrives.
Did a 40 day fast last April/May and it was just the most wonderful feeling. I am hoping it will help to regulate my hormones and get my belly skin tightened up post pardom.

I would love for any and all to join! Happy fasting.

Hey :wave: It’s really nice that you want to fast but if you breastfeed your child, water fasting is not recommended

Hi Kim!

I’m aware of that! But at the end of the day it is my body and it has been a vessel for my child for 9 months and counting. What I choose postpartum is my choice. Thanks for the advice.

okay :+1: will you take multivitamins, electrolytes and something like that?

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I always supplement with electrolytes otherwise I feel like poo the whole time lol. Other than that I don’t invest anything else besides occasionally some lemon juice if I feel pain in my kidneys as I’ve had kidney stones before and it helps almost immediately!