21+ Day Water Fast

Here again to give water fasting a serious shot. It’s very important to me to finish at least 21 days. I may extend to 30 depending on how I am feeling. 40 is my ultimate goal, but I intend to start small and listen to my body.

I will be adding electrolyte tablets and pink Himalayan salt to supplement as needed. My goals are to reset my digestive system, drop excess weight, clear my foggy mind and clear up my sinuses. My plan is to go vegan once my fasting is over. May 1, 2023 will be Day 1. Join me if you’d like!

Happy Fasting!:raised_hands:t5::hugs:


Hi @sublimedivinity ! I am too starting an extended 21-day water fast today. I had an initial goal of 30 days but came across this 21 day calendar in a google search that led me to this thread on this site. Cool right! :smiley:

My goals are similar to yours minus the vegan way of life afterwards.

WE GOT THIS! :raised_hands:t4:


Hi there! :raising_hand_woman:t5:
I’m so glad to have a fasting buddy! Super cool how you found this thread, it was meant to be lol. No worries about not going vegan, it’s definitely tough. I’ve done it before and my body loved it, so I figured I’d give it another shot. :pray:t5: Today is starting good, as Day 1 usually does. I hope yours is going well too.:sparkles:

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Today wasn’t bad! I’m tryin to have tunnel vision and focus on one day at a time instead of the entire goal. It’s less daunting for me this way. Since I’ve married had a baby and divorced it’s been so hard to be consistent. It’s like I’ve lost my sense of self control :woman_facepalming:t4: since September 2022 my weight has gone from 160 to 175. And I was 150 after having my baby August 2021. It’s just going up and up. It’s terrible. I’m hoping with success of this extended fast (now that I have an awesome buddy doing it with me) it be a nice kick start to going back to a healthy way of life.


Yes, absolutely 1 day at a time! I’m sorry to hear about your divorce, but the silver lining is your wonderful child to raise and love.:purple_heart: I left my 3 year old’s dad years ago, finally starting to let go of the residual resentment and anger towards him for not helping at all and how he treated me. That drove alooot of my emotional eating these past few years. I definitely understand where you are coming from, and I’m glad we’re going at this together. :raised_hands:t5:🫂

Today was trying towards the end, but I pushed through. I ended up doing a dry fast just for today. My goal weight is 210, which is where I was before I had my daughter. I’m tall for a lady, so that is my comfy weight. I’m at 316.4 as of today🙈.

Before I got pregnant, I was heavier than I am now, but then lost 110 because I got super healthy and active. But now, I have to modify workouts due to a birth injury I had. That sat me out for a good year and a half. I could barely even walk too much without pain, which added more to my emo eating :pensive:. I didn’t lose all that knowledge learned the first time I shed weight though, thank goodness, I just have to get my emotions in check and ‘get out of my own way’.

Here’s to a successful day 2!:sparkles::raised_hands:t5::tada:

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So sorry I didn’t get to reply yesterday, I’ve made some heavy decisions and learned some heavy news in the last two days. All positive but still emotionally heavy and my next steps are dependent on one choice that hasn’t been made yet and won’t be made until the end of the week at max sigh

Oh no no no. Please don’t be sorry, I am HAPPY I am divorced lol that year marriage shouldn’t have started and should have ended long before a baby came into the picture. It was only because it was long distance that it lasts as long as it did. Had we lived under the same roof or it wouldn’t have lasted probably a week :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I learned never give a person a baby just because they want it. You BOTH need to want that because right now it just feels like a HUGE responsibility i never wanted. Especially since I’m doing it all without the help of the male in anyway. Like no time for myself ever and without my amazing parents I dont know what my life would be.

I learned what qualities I need from a partner in my next and final marriage.

Oh gosh I WISH I was the weight POST birth lol i weigh 160 before pregnancy 223 during and 150 after. It was the lightest I’ve ever been. Breastfeeding really helped. Although my marriage ans partner sucked being pregnant was a fun experience and even though I would HEAVILY weigh my options, having another wouldn’t be terrible if with the right partner.

I too am so happy to be on this journey together as well! 🫂:raised_hands:t4::woman_in_lotus_position:t4:

I prefer Dry fasting over water fasting only because “in my mind” when I consume water, it makes me want to eat. If I’m super thirsty eating is the last thing I want to do.

My day 2 was tough because the morning before I received news that although a blessing made me anxious for my future because my set plans were changing….again :woman_facepalming:t4:

Today also isn’t starting off that great. I woke up at :clock3: am unable to sleep and now it’s :clock430: and I’m still feel unsettled and anxious.

It is so exciting to hear that I can gain this knowledge from you to help me maintain my weightloss after this? Did you lift weights or was it mostly cardio? I know some people think weights only make you “bulky” but that’s not true.


It’s alright, I caved yesterday and finished what my daughter refused to eat. She is super picky and I still have a mental hang-up about wasted food. That is something I definitely need to work on going forward. So my new Day 1 will be 5/5/2023. I won’t give up, no no! :raised_hands:t5:

I hope and pray whatever the decision you have to make that you are able to just make the best decision for you. :pray:t5: :pray:t5: :pray:t5: I feel the same way about my daughter’s dad. I’m still so embarrassed that I was that blind and naive to what he was actually about. I refuse to tell anyone that I was even involved with him, and I have moved hours away from where he is so I can just start all over. :see_no_evil:

I definitely feel you on the HUGE responsibility part. I’m literally doing it alone right now, and she is also on the autism spectrum, so that makes it much harder. Luckily I work from home and can manage, but she will require hired help and ABA therapy and speech therapy once I can afford it. I initially wanted to give her up for adoption so she could have 2 parents, but decided not to. Now I wish I had, if only to give her a better start. I honestly don’t plan on having another relationship or another child. I just want to relax the rest of my years in peace lol. I already have a 19 year old in college, so I’m 2 and done. :raised_hand:t5: I started early and had him in high school, then had plenty of hard relationship lessons in my years after that. Now I just want to be happy and peaceful going forward. :hibiscus:

When I lost all of that weight the first time, I took a variety of classes at my local gym to keep my body confused. I took Spinning, barbell strength, Zumba and Pilates mostly, but I also tried all other classes to see what they were like. I do plan on joining a gym again once I get another car. I also walked alot around town and took the bus mostly, so I was always active in some way.

Right now I will be using a few DVDs (yes, I love and use them still lol) that I used also in the past that worked wonders. ChaLean Extreme :muscle:t5:, Turbo Jam, the old school Look Good Naked series, Zumba and more. I have quite a few, enough to get a full workout from home. I just need to find that motivation I had back then, especially since I still have to modify alot of the exercises. I would also make a super healthy green drink with my Nutribullet. I have everything I need, I just need to get my mentality and emotions back in order. Men are usually the ones that bulk with strength training, mainly due to their testosterone levels. We don’t have to worry about that so much, thank God.

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Hey girly!

Success! I just made my. 24 hour mark and I feel great. Hearing that you had to break your fast make me feel less bad that I am considering breaking my dry fast only to not overwhelm myself mentally. I know I could go another 24 hours but I dont know. I feel like this (what I think II developed) addiction to the “taste” of food is what is causing me to want to eat now because I although I am hungry with a slight headache I feel fine.

Yea this is my first child and right now I have zero desire to have another only because of all the work it takes and time for myself I lose. If raising and caring for a child were as fun and easy as pregnancy and delivery were for me I would say sure yeah let’s have another lol BUT NO. ITS NOT! :joy:

Wow you sound like you have many daily stresses and pressure. :pensive: I 100% agree that adoption would have been the best opportunity for her. I also understand you wanting to raise your own child. It’s not too late but I dont know how difficult it would or how that would affect you and your daughter emotionally. I’m sure you will continue to make the best choices for both of you. :raised_hands:t4:

Oh wow! You were living a good life! Very active. I want that for myself but at home is easiest for my situation as well. I have Windsor Pilates dvds YOuTube! I wish I had more workout dvds that didn’t require wifi.

It will only happen for us when we make time for it and when we want it. Just like with fasting. We are only accomplishing it because we want it and are making time for it.

We got this girly! I don’t workout when I fast. :grimacing: do you?


Oh heavens no, I don’t workout when I fast. I may take short walks and do my stretch routine, but I don’t do anything that will make me sweat too much.

I’m just going to keep my daughter at this point. She literally only knows me so far, I would hate to put her through that emotional trauma. I just need to get things together quicker for her and find more resources once I get her formally diagnosed with autism. One day at a time :pray:t5:.

And yeah, YT has tons of free workouts available. I wanted to sign up for BeachBody’s online portal to access the ChaLean Extreme program and Hip Hop Abs progam again. Those did me sooo good too. It’s all about keeping the body confused week to week and not getting too comfy with a set routine. :muscle:t5: I got most of my DVDs from Amazon or WalMart super cheap.

This week has been very stressful and it’s my cycle start week too, so my cravings and stress (daughter caught a cold) has been heightened. I think I will just pause my fast and start on 5/8, after the first few couple tough flow days have passed (TMI, sorry :see_no_evil:). I try to go at least 72 hours while fasting to at least get the immune system cleansing benefits, even if I fall off the wagon and get caught in the wheel sometimes :grin:.

You definitely have a point about addiction to the taste of food. Especially with all of the additives in the food. I believe it really affects our hormones. I think it’s good to talk and get out our feelings in the process of attempting fasts though, that helps us to get to the bottom of the hurdles we experience while trying. I’ll make 21 days sooner or later, but I’m not going to beat myself up if I don’t. One day at a time. :hibiscus:

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See this is why I can’t give myself any leniency :woman_facepalming:t4:. Tomorrow is my day 1 again. Once I broke that last time I just kept breaking come dinner time. Terrible. Then I babysitting my 2 year old and my 3 year old nephew this past weekend and my cycle started at the end of that weekend and that just made it easier to find excuses keep going with not getting back on track.

But right now 6:30 pm today, marks my second attempt at day one. I truly hope your having better luck with consistency and discipline than me.

Great news! I finally got my job offer and the weird work hours free me up to return to school yay! I’m happy about that!! Work will keep food off my mind :joy::woman_facepalming:t4: terrible right.


Yaaay to the job offer!!:bouquet::tada::tada: That’s great news and I hope you like it once you start!

And no, my discipline has been just as terrible :see_no_evil::woozy_face:. I restarted today at 3:30pm. First few mini goal are 3 days, then 7, then 9, then 14 and so on. One day at a time. I’ve learned something new every time about what I need to do right the next time I attempt. It’s all a big learning experience, so don’t be too hard on yourself. The longest I have ever gone is 9 days, but that was before I had my daughter. It was easier for me to avoid food back then, since I didn’t have to worry about feeding another person. This time around is testing my will, discipline and patience more than ever. We can do it though!:pray:t5::purple_heart:

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I got a good 3 days in then broke it today. I’ll be restarting tomorrow and trying for a week to start off. Good luck to all who are attempting! :raising_hand_woman:t5:

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OH girly! You are doing way better than me I have defaulted to intermittent fasting since I gave in and ate the last we spoke. I have found that mh problem is I want it but I haven’t made the change of mindset. I haven’t prepared on how to refocus my attention from food or eating for pleasure to staying focused and filling my time with other things.

It’s been so frustrating not meeting my own goals. Also I’ve been dealing with this duffle tooth pain from an old filling. It’s just terrible. So I have had to take pain medication and found myself feeling sick or pained when only consuming water while taking it so I had to eat to counter that medication.

Now that I realize it’s the mental aspect that I need to fix to help me stay accountable and be successful at being consistent.

I’m SO SO SO happy you made three days and I’m so sorry I haven’t been active daily with you!

I will do better by setting a timer to message you every day before bed like I alway end up doing when I finally do respond :woman_facepalming:t4:

Forgive me :pray:t4:

Talk soon!


It’s alllll good! Fasting is a learning experience. At least you are trying.:bouquet: I’ve switched to intermittent too, only eating on the weekends until June.

Since it is definitely a mental thing, I’m taking the rest of this month to focus on that aspect more. I’m going to incorporate light movement and yoga as exercise and I’ve started joining a prayer line two times per day, in addition to a couple services on Sunday. I’m trying to really get to the root of the negative emotions that drive me to not only eat, but spend money on delivery services. That way I can finally release all of that. It has really kept me back for the past 2 years at least. 21 days will be done soon, just working on the harder stuff first. Keep doing what you can and celebrate your successes!:purple_heart:🫂

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Friend!!! I got into dental hygiene school!!! Yay!!! I have worked my way back up to 22 hr fast. I have set reminders in my phone reminding myself to look at “my Why’s” so I keep them at my front mind. It’s getting easier to fight the temptation and “habit”. I also have reminders set remind me to read my affirmations in the morning and night before bed.

We are doing well. We are figuring it out one day at a time. I’m so proud of us!! Now if I only I can remember to set this reminder to check these notifications here lol :woman_facepalming:t4:


Awwww snap!!!:tada::tada::tada::bouquet::raised_hands:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5:

That is wonderful! I haven’t done a full day yet, but I am making progress on my mental. That is an awesome idea also, to set phone reminders. Having a list of your Whys is a great idea also. I’m going to make that list today and tape it above my work desk.

I used to get email updates when I got a reply on here, but I’m not sure what happened to that. Now I just keep the tab open in my browser. I hope your week goes great and I’m sending good vibes and hugs your way. :sparkles:🫂

Talk to you soon!


Oh yes when I start my new job I will do the same that’s a great idea then I don’t have to take my phone out at work. I like it :raised_hands:t4:

Sad thing is I do get the emails. I see them I open them then my son distracts me and I never pick my phone back up. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Have an uplifting week! Everyday when you wake ask our creator “Can you show me how good life can be?” :dancer:t4:

Watch how many opportunities come your way :raised_hands:t4:

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Happy Hump Day lol :blush: :raised_hands:t5:

This week is going well, I can’t complain. I’ve definitely been asking God to give me more understanding and discernment lately. Little by little I’m noticing small changes. I hope things are going well for you and your family too!

These past two weeks have been great! I have gotten my weight fat percentage and BMI down from 181/49/35 to 168/45/34 so exciting. Im doing 18-20 hours dry fast, I stopped coffee, alcohol and I’m only eating a small meal. A small meal is literally all I can handle. If I try to eat like a full meal or two meals I get sick. I’m just so happy to have my mind right.

What has really helped keep me focus is my breast changes. Breast cancer is on both sides of my family so I have started early in my mid 20’s getting breast examinations.

It’s a bit scary even though all my doctor visits and breast diagnostics came back no sign of cancer forming. I’m having like slight pain and discomfort that comes and goes. I dont know if it’s galactorrhea but that’s what they are concluding it could be since pain isn’t normally associated with “pain” of any kind.

I’m staying positive and hoping the discomfort goes away before October or I will have to return for another breast diagnostic.

How has tour journey been? Also life is about to get pretty hectic with work school AND parenting. I Pray I can juggle it all successfully :raised_hands:t4:

That sounds wonderful, I’m so proud of you! I’m still struggling a bit, but I got some good confirmation yesterday and will be working on myself more accordingly. Yes, working, parenting and school will be a lot, but you seem like you have the mindset to handle it.

As far as the cancer possibility, don’t let your mind marinate on that. Always try to think positive and visualize yourself cancer free and healing everyday. It definitely matters how we think about things. I’ve been working harder on staying in a positive mindset lately, and it has done wonders. I will be praying for you and your family in the meantime.

As far as the fasting goes, I’m going to start a prolonged fast tomorrow, so the next time we talk I’ll update on that.

Stay positive and strong, that is how we are going to make it through this!

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