100 Water Bottle Challenge

Well, seeing as I’m on bottle 20 as I write this, it’s looking like this may be a 2 week fast happening unless I can drink more.

I wish it was much warmer out as that would be a huge help.

I can honestly say I’m not hungry, and I need to pause the water or I’ll be looking for a restroom on every stop when I go out.

Need to get things done.


5 down today so far total of 17…I’m only on a fast for 3 more days after this but I wanted to join the fun anyway :grin:


I some how deleted my post.

I am on bottle 14 and I should be able to get more cause I am working through the night.


Finishing the evening with bottle 22. Hopefully will be at 25 by tomorrow noon.

Just cracked open 23.

I was in bed very late today.

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#24 cracked.

Took me from Monday noon to Friday noon to do 24 bottles.



On bottle 27 for the evening into tomorrow.

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Good morning!

28 has been cracked.

29 is cracked. I could try to down it before noon - the 5 day mark, but there’s no rush really. It’s going to take as long as it takes.

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Just cracked open #30.

After my latest calculations, I should be done by the 28th of this month. :joy:

It will take me about 17 days - which ironically is my fasting cut off point from 2 previous extended fasts where I lose my mind and have to eat something.


You’re doing awesome! Sorry I fell off of this game I’ve been feeling really ill not cold sick but just lethargic and nauseous but feeling completely better today. Incorporating bone broth into my last days of fasting. I will for sure be doing this next time though :heart:


Just fire back in!

I took an unexpected breather tonight. I’m still on bottle 30. About to crack 31. Resuming atm.

All fasts are “house rules” meaning you do what you need to do - even if there’s a pause in there.

I just sketched out my next 5 months and got self overwhelmed.

I will probably feel like crap tomorrow. But jumping right back in and going to carry on.

How do you eat an elephant? Well, lol, I don’t but if I did it’s one bite at a time. :smiley:


I made it to bottle 20 and fell off. I was super weak and I don’t know why.


You did awesome! Don’t let that discourage you.

Pick back up when you’re ready and keep going. :slightly_smiling_face:


Kicking back in hard core with bottle 34 today.

Confident I’ll make it to 40 by the end of the day.


Drinking a gallon bottle of water today 1/2 way finished. Jumping in since I extended my fast. So that equates to 7 1/2 ish water bottles happy fasting!


2 more bottles down going to bed sweet dreams :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


6 down will probably drink one more


A new day and ordering a fresh start on myself.

I fell back into OMAD the past few days.

For some reason I get to the evening and feel compelled to eat something.

I’m going to chalk it up to hormones.

You know when you trip or spill something - and it’s seen in slow motion - and you see it happening and at the same time it feels like a force is preventing you from stopping the fall - this is what I’ve been feeling.

Still battling some internal stresses that don’t pop until the sun goes down. Grrr.

One sip left of coffee, and then bottle #1 starts again.

Practice makes perfect.

Going to chalk up the first try as a dress rehearsal.


When you eat at regular times your body releases digestive stuff at that time to trigger hunger and help digest the food it’s expecting.

It happens to me at like 10pm (when I get home from working on the allotment all day in the summer :joy:)

An OMAD slip isn’t like you’ve been bingeing, try and consider these slips as just listening to your body and being gentle on yourself.

You did say when you worked out how long a 100 bottle fast would be that it had surprised you, maybe that surprise turned into more of a shock internally than you’d expected.

No doubt your going to make your goal, so be kind to yourself for each slip. Especially when you continue to be in control of your eating windows. X