Zoey's Daily Journal

Why? I am tired of being overweight, lacking energy, and basically not happy with life.

Short term goals – I would like to see my weight come down and have more energy. I also want to clean out my body of all the toxins and bad bacteria as well as change my palate. Although, truth be told, I love fruits and even most vegetables. I would like to do a 21 to 40 day fast but if that is not possible, at least for 7 days. Whichever the case may be, afterwards I plan on doing a juice fast until I am at the weight I am happy with and can maintain.

Long term goals – I want to be back to my original weight when I was in my early twenties and able to fit into those clothes that I still have in storage. Yes, they are still there and were really nice too.

Struggles – I have done 1 and 2 day fasts before but never a long one. There are no doctors here in Germany that I can go to for help with this fast. Luckily, I used to be a nurse and will be monitoring my BP, P, and ketone levels. I am having my mother, who is living with me, doing it as well as she has even more need of fasting due to her poor health. Unfortunately, my husband is not going to do the fast, so I have enough prepared dinners for him so that I need not cook, which would be totally unfair standing there smelling the food and not able to eat any. My solution to this problem.

Game plan – Prior to starting the water fast, I did 14 days of Keto to ready my body, to become partially fat adapted. My ketone levels during that diet were between 1.7 and 2.5 using a breathalyzer Ketone Meter. I hoped it would help me start losing weight, which it did, down 6 pounds. I also hoped that by doing this, that some of the symptoms of water fasting would be less debilitating and therefore, make the fast easier to bear. After the water fast is over, I plan to refeed with a juice diet to continue my weight loss and greatly increase my bodies resistance to any disease and continue its healing progress.

Right now – I started water fasting after Sunday’s dinner, so am on the second day of my fast. Yesterday, I just had some hunger and thought of food but otherwise had no adverse symptoms. Ketone level went from 2.5-2.6. I even had enough energy to clean the kitchen and move things into the pantry. I figure since I can’t eat, having a clean kitchen would be great. Just thinking how much time I will save not having to shop, cook, or clean up after meals. Wow! You just never realize how much time that actually takes. I did have trouble sleeping last night, but will try to take some naps today as I heard rest is extremely important during a fast.

On reaching my goal – I will be ‘jumping for joy.’ I would love to visit my 3 boys in the states and watch the shocked expressions on their faces when they see the new me. That will make my efforts now worth it.

Affirmation – I am driven to succeed! I have been listening to the TrueNorth Health videos, listening to their lectures and documentaries. I am also listening to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, reading his books and cookbooks as well as those by Dr. John McDougall. They give me a positive outlook by showing me how so many others have succeeded and are enjoying their new lives. I also ordered various plant-centered cookbooks from the library.