Tubby, tired and old

Hello all

I’m in the UK on lockdown. Also home working. For the past few weeks, I have completely dropped my water fasts (which I always enjoyed to keep a check on weight). I can’t believe I’m typing this but I’ve put on 20lbs. Seriously. In 8 weeks :see_no_evil:

I’m really struggling to do a 14 day fast. That’s all I’d need to do to get back to where I want to be. My fasts have usually been water or restricted calories (only eating calories from green/raw food). I am struggling with motivation…I.E if nobody is gonna see me for a while, I can eat what I want! However, I’m beginning to feel really uncomfortable.

Guys, if I carry on like this, I’m not gonna be able to return to work. I won’t fit through my front door. I was already a chunky one before lockdown and so really cannot be carrying an extra 20lbs.

I’m 40 this year. Female. No kids. Don’t drink. Live with my fella who is a diamond but isn’t supportive of me dieting really - he knows I love food and so regularly offers it (makes excuses such as aah one more day won’t harm you and you’ve had a rough week, let’s get takeout (again)) :roll_eyes: All this eating has been enjoyable but it’s making me feel pants too. My activity/exercise isn’t an issue…I get out a lot, albeit I can defo feel those extra few pounds when I’m out, let me tell you. Also I can hardly fit into any of my gym clothes now :see_no_evil:

I see a lot of runners out around here, loads of ladies of all ages with healthy bodies and I’m beginning to feel rather envious of them!

Maybe I can update this daily but if there are fasting friends I can make on here, that would be lovely. Also any pro-fasters who can give me some encouragement!

Oh man this is the tubbiest I have ever been :joy: HELP!!


Welcome, @changeneeded. We are very supportive here, so feel free to reach out. Have you started your water? Some of us started on Monday the 18th, we are trying to go as long as possible- possibly 28days. If you haven’t fasted in a while then take it slow and build up to it. All the best. Let us know how you decide to do it.

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Welcome to our fasting community!

Technical note: to keep future entries on this single thread, click on reply in the lower right hand corner.

I believe there is an active ACCOUNTABILITY thread you may want to join where you can publicize you’re looking for fasting buddies. I started my own 21-day fast today. I started my Daily Journal early at Yas’ request so people in the FB group could read my daily entries. This will be my 3rd 21-day fast for this year.

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Thank you so much for your reply! Really appreciate you taking the time out. I do hope it is going well for you! I haven’t yet started but I plan to tomorrow! Great advice - I’ll just do a 5 day one maybe and then break it up with some clean calories but jumping in again. That’s the plan anyway…!! Xx

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How kind! Thank you so much! I will read everything and look to join in the fun on the other thread :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning: xx

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You are welcome. I have almost completed my 5th day, about to start day 6. I am shattered but determined to go as long as possible. I hope you have been cutting down sugar and carbs as it will make it a little bit easier. All the best for tomorrow. Remember if you get hungry it is a mental thing and remind yourself that your body has enough to eat from lol. This is what I say to myself.

Wow gosh that’s amazing! Well done you! I am inspired.

Yes…this is so true lol - I’ve got more than enough in storage to last a couple of years I think haha! :joy: thank you so much for the advice. I will certainly update the thread(s) with progress xxx

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Right - day 1. I’m on it. Solid water for three days :potable_water:
Followed by 10 days of strict clean calorie fast.
It’s going to be an emotional struggle above all. I’m prepared.
Will update for accountability and in case this could be of any assistance to anyone else.
Weight this morning (cringe) 220.5

:facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4::heart: xxx


I need to be at weight 191 (I’m a tall girl with a lot of muscle (you just can’t see it :joy::joy:)) xxx


Right. Slow start but now 9 lbs lighter. The last couple of nights I’ve had the awful rushes to the loo…this is normal for me on a fast but what a pain. Last night I was up at 3:30AM with it!
I’m gonna get down to 198lbs by next Saturday morning and then take things easier until i reach 191(which is still heavy but I love being this weight) xxx Been water fasting and eating clean in between xxx hope everyone is doing good!