Sue's Daily Journal

Started my fast yesterday and rejoined the FF group today for the month of April. On past fasts, I haven’t done the online journal as I prefer/am more comfortable with handwritten journaling on my own. I like the privacy and process of handwriting journals and have always found that process enlightening, centering, helpful, and growth promoting when I maintain the practice. And there’s the rub; when I get off track/mindless in my eating, I also tend to get off track and mindless with journaling (ie. don’t do it). I’m not sure which comes first in a chicken or the egg way or if there is even a linear/causal effect to it. Mostly, I think I have just used food emotionally for so long that my reptilian brain gets highjacked by stress or anxiety and all those mindful practices to be the person I want to be in the world fall away. So this time I’m committing to the online journal, to keep myself accountable, even if I only write a sentence a day on hard days.


I can so relate to this. :hugs:hugs We can do this. First time online Journaling for me as well.

:fire::fire::fire::fire: Yesss!

It’s so true Sue, sometimes when we fall off the plan, we fall off the journal, and we fall of the exercise, and we disappear from challenges and it’s like “when it rains it POURSSSSS” :umbrella: but I love your goal, one line a day, even on bad days, just come post a sad face like this :frowning: it’s the effort that counts!!!

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Day 2 Journal/Start of Day 3 Fast

Made it through first 2 fasting days - hurray! There were definitely some “hungry spots” today but I was super busy chasing the grandkids (ages 2 and 4) around the park, running errands to get things on my “to do” list done, and this evening with family. Being busy helped the hunger just pass. Tonight I’m super tired so just wanted to keep my committment to journal daily and will write more substance tomorrow.


Day 3 Journal/Day 3 Fast

So far doing well on my fast. Late last night I had some keto flu kind of symptoms for a few hours but took some electrolytes, slept, and am fine today. I’m doing a few things differently this time around to really meet my goal of attaining a healthy weight:

  • This online journal to keep myself accountable

  • Told my family what I am doing also to keep myself accountable and so I don’t have to make decisions when I’m with them about eating with them or not, have already let them know I’m not. They were supportive.

  • Staying away from the tv. I have watched way too much tv during the pandemic and I know that is a mindless eating cue for me, especially in the evening. I’m replacing it with reading/audiobooks/podcasts that are health or work related, reading for pleasure, and activities on my to do list.


Day 4 Journal/ Start of Day 5 Fast

Made it through day 4 fasting with less hunger. It wasn’t hard to cook for the grandkids and not eat. Felt pretty good first 2/3 of the day but this evening I’m exhausted. Did not sleep well at all last night, had trouble falling asleep, got up and took a bath and still didn’t sleep well. I remember sleep problems from my last fast. I hope this passes as I don’t do well on low sleep. Taking Melatonin and Magnesium and heading to bed.

Day 5 Journal/End of Day 5 Fast

I’m just getting around to the suggested intro post. Made it though day 5 of my fast!

My name is Sue and I’ve struggled with weight off and on most of my life. I was a kind of chubby kid, then slimmed down to a normal weight in my preteen/teen/early adult years with lots of yo-yo dieting up and down in a range from my ideal weight to about 20 lbs above my ideal weight. My first “diets” were when I was about 12 doing the Atkins and WW with my mom, who also struggled with weight issues. I gained a lot of weight (like 60 lbs) with all 3 of my pregnancies. But I also managed to take most of that weight off within 6 months-year after each pregnancy (so I can’t blame it on my kids). Then, over the years, my weight just kept creeping or leaping up until I became obese, pre-diabetic, and started to have some other health issues that I think are largely weight related. About 6 months prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, I started Keto, did some intermittent fasting, OMAD, and was making great progress. I have also done a 14 day fast in the past, with support from FFTH. However, I hate to admit that I put back on all that weight during the pandemic months since so am starting over. I’m a “boomer” so think I am older than most of the folks here on FFTH but also pride myself on being a life-long learner and learning to better manage my health and weight is a priority.

I am doing this to become healthy, to avoid the devastating effects of becoming diabetic (my brother died of diabetic complications after having his legs amputated and my sister is diabetic). I’ve done lots of research and know that fasting is very effective at improving insulin resistance and preventing diabetes. I also want to live my best life and that is hampered by my weight in terms of not being as mobile/agile as I want to be or having the endurance I want to engage in life’s activities. It’s also hampered by things I hold myself back from due to my weight and being self-conscious about it.

Long Term and Short Term Goals:
Long Term Goal: To reach and stay at a normal weight (per BMI) so I can live my best life.
Short Term Goal: To complete this 14 day fast (on day 5 now) and determine whether I can extend it, based on how I am feeling at day 10.

What are some struggles you face or have faced in the past?:
I tend to be an emotional eater and the pandemic has not helped that. Also, I have to prioritize sleep (and sometimes don’t). I don’t function well when I am overtired and also tend to overeat when tired. Sleep issues with fasting are a concern. TV is a big overeating cue for me and I have watched way too much TV during the pandemic. I also have some perfectionistic tendencies which can get in my way.

What’s your game plan?:
Complete this 14 (+?) fast, Slow planned refeed, then Keto/OMAD until next long fast

How do I feel right now?:
Proud of myself for sticking with the first 5 days of fasting and getting back on track. Hopeful. Pleased with my weight loss results, blood sugar, and ketones during the fast. A little tired and a little hungry. Looking forward to coasting.

How will I feel once I reach my goal?:
Super proud of myself, energized, healthy, like the sky is the limit.

Daily Affirmation:
I am strong and committed. I will reach my goal of attaining and maintaining a normal, healthy weight by the end of 2021.


Day 6 Journal/Ending Day 6 Fast

I dodged a strong urge to break my fast this afternoon. Had a very stressful 3 hour work meeting that left me with a headache, feeling overwhelmed, mentally exhausted and wanting to just escape into food to stuff my feelings. This is definitely what I would have done in the past and one of the reasons I am so overweight. It was tough to overcome that urge and calm those feelings without food. But I did a Headspace meditation, drove to the park and took a walk. On the way home, I stopped at a floral shop I’ve been wanting to visit and bought myself a beautiful houseplant to reward myself for not breaking my fast. It’ll be a good reminder of the ways I am growing emotionally while shrinking physically. I think the emotional aspects of fasting may be a lot harder for me than the physical aspects. Like learning healthier ways to deal with stress and other negative emotions. I still feel tired so am going to let myself take a little nap and hope it doesn’t ruin my night’s sleep. In order to make napping OK with myself (when I feel I should be doing something productive) I’m reminding myself that if you go to fasting centers, like True North, they have you resting the whole time.