Sky's Daily Journal

Miramar, 21 days is amazing!! You continue to inspire me. I loved reading about all the fabulous food and ferments you’ve been making.

I’m doing fine, battling a 3 day headache for unknown reasons since I was low carb and well detoxed when I stopped eating on Monday night. Still…miserable headache. Taking electrolytes and plenty of water. I’m a little over halfway to 5 days.


89 hours and counting. Headache is gone. I feel pretty good today. Mentally, I want to eat, but I’m only mildly hungry. I had 1/2 cup of broth which seems to satisfy me more than just salt water and helps with faintness, but doesn’t seem to interfere with weight loss. I plan to end this fast sometime tomorrow.


Ended fast at 109 hours (4 1/2 days). I actually woke up feeling fine, not hungry or dizzy or weak, but I decided it was time to end it. Next Friday, I’ll do a 2 day fast and that should get me to my end of month goal assuming typical regain. Next month will involve some 2-3 day fasts.

I’m about to have some egg drop soup to break my fast. I did a couple egg days after my last fast and it worked really well with stabilizing weight so I’m doing one again today. I love eggs and I do not have any intolerance issues with them. I suppose for a lot of people, they’d cause big gains from inflammation.

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Had some broth and 3 eggs on Saturday. Made roast chicken and vegetables on Sunday. Up 1 lb.

My refeed/not gaining much was going well. Then I was up 3.5 lbs this morning unexpectedly. I’m all bloated; even had to loosen my Fitbit 2 notches around my wrist. I wonder what I ate yesterday? I had a broccoli chicken salad for lunch and 2 small chicken enchiladas for dinner. I cooked everything myself so at least I know what I ate. I might blame the corn in the tortillas since I can sometimes be sensitive to too much corn, but for some reason, my intuition is saying it was the raw broccoli. Anyway, I’m drinking a lot of water today and hoping for better tomorrow.

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Did a 2+ day fast last week. Started 72 hours last night after dinner. I keep going back and forth on how I feel about ketosis. It’s easier to start fasting in ketosis. I weigh significantly less in ketosis…just water weight, I know. However, I do love my carbs including too many vegetables to stay in ketosis. I really enjoyed my balanced eating and cooking this past week a lot more than I do when low carbing.

I have a big family wedding coming up mid month. I would like to be down at least 3 lbs of fat when I go to the wedding. 72 hrs fast this week and next should make that easily doable.