Shape up in January Challenge

Hey Fellow Fasters… How your fasting journey going on, hope you all could achieve your goal weight in this year…

I’m Bhaswati Sharma and I’m 27 … Here I’m gonna check out on a regular basis to stay accountable… If anyone of you have undegone fasting, feel free to join this thread…

Well… I had my last meal at 8PM today n I’m ready to jump into a 10days water only fasting…

So technically my fast will be over by 29th at 8PM…

I am aiming to loose 10 lbs only ,since don’t have much weight to loose… and will try not to become obsessed with the scale too as I don’t have any control on how much to loose, it all depends on person to person… But as per my last 21days fast I lost almost 1 lb per day…



Here are my fasting stickies… each day I will paste a new different looking sticky on the face of the completed day’s sticky


Hi @Voyelazaara,
I’m also doing at least 10 days of water fasting then re-feed and continue.
On day :two: now, wishing you all the best :pray:t4:


Thanx for your wishes … hope are doing well and best wishes for your journey

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Day 1 was so hard for me… I was not thinking about food, but I was shivering a lot… here already the temparature is low, but I am feeling cold even more…:cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::snowflake::snowman_with_snow:

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I’m seating in front of room heater … Still it’s cold​:sleepy::cold_face:

May be I should have started from February when its more than 15°C

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I will observe my health for one more day… Even If I couldn’t’t bear with the cold weather today I’m not gonna break my fast, may think of some modification till the temparature got quite up…
Will post whatever I decide to do…

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