Self Challenge Water Fast

Starting a water fast after a long break. No fixed goal, will fast as many days continuously as could do. I will log here every day with screenshot of Zero fasting tracker.

Day 0: Today my diet was egg, watermelon, noodles. Starting fast well hydrated.

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Day 0.5: Feeling same as yesterday, no difference, I think I might log here multiple times a day as a medium to vent out/record my feelings during this fast. I drank 2L of water since I started fasting. I have taken Magnesium supplement. I have taken Pantoprazole as I had acid reflux like symptoms. I will drink more water and continue my fast.

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Restarting again on Friday (Tomorrow). I started pre-fast today, eating clean and healthy foods. Tomorrow I will only consume Water melon and start fast.

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Today is 6th Dec (Friday), Logging at 12:54pm:

I started my water fast after a long procrastination on 3rd Dec (Tuesday) at 5:56pm. My aim was to do as many days as possible, in Zero app I set 8 days. Inside my mind I wanted to do 14 days tbh. As its a target I have done like 10-12y back and wanted to do that again.

I completed 66h, but I couldn’t continue as I felt hypotensive and dizzy, I was taking pink salt with water and magnesium and potassium supplement, the fast itself was easy until today.

Day 1: Mental craving and hungry pangs was there, but otherwise it was normal.
Day 2: Physical tiredness was there, drank electrolyte that I made myself.
Day 3: Felt better in the morning but slept only 3h, as day went I felt more dizzy and I took a nap and dreamt of fainting, I woke up and still felt dizzy so I quit my fast and ate fruits, tender coconut juice, watermelon. I feel lot better now after breaking my fast, just as normal as I could feel.

My goal is to start again today evening with aim of another 3 days Water fast.

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