Rolling 72 hr fasts with 4 hr eating window

Hello everyone :wave:t5: My name is Tracy and ever since I graduated from high school in 2016, I have struggled with my weight. I do not eat much at home but I live a very sedentary life and eat lots of sugar like coke and ice cream. I believe my struggle with sugar in particular has led me to this point where I’m now at my highest weight of 261lbs at a height of 169cm. During my time in university, I tried doing extended fasts like 14-day water fasts, or 21-day water fasts but will end up quitting on day 3 and just give it all up :joy:. I used to watch youtube videos of people doing extended fasts like one months fasts and losing tons of weight and I wanted so bad to achieve that since it was fast and those who did reported not feeling too hungry after some time. I also tried fruit juicing for 2 months which didn’t work because I’d just get hungry and want “real” food during most days. I recently discovered the youtube channel Finally Fasting and the owner (Jerome) did rolling 72hr fasts to lose weight within 5 months so I thought this was perfect for me since I seem to only stomach 3 day fasts and cannot go further. This is also perfect in terms of timing because I just graduated from university and my parents have permitted me a year of grace while I mentally prepare myself for work life (it’s going to be miserable :sob:).

Because of my weight I’ve essentially created a shell around me and have lost all my desire to participate in things like going to events, etc. My whole time in university I did not attend a single event and in my mind I convinced myself that I do not care and I probably wouldn’t like it but I just wasted so much time and opportunities. I didn’t even apply for internships because I loathed the way I looked so much which has cost me a lot. I understand that it is important to love yourself and be confident no matter the number on the scale. However, I watch videos on youtube of people talking about how their lives changed when they lost weight. How they were finally seen, how they became confident, gained a lot of friends, were treated like human beings at work, among family and I think to myself that at least losing the weight will be a start to loving myself and gaining back my confidence.

Long Term and Short Term Goals:
Long term goals: To become a normal weight for my age and height and to look toned.
Short term goals: To get to at least 180 lbs within 5 months. (-81lbs)

What are some struggles you face or you have faced in the past
Like I mentioned earlier, I used to skip school and social events because of my weight. And a lot of the weight loss plans/diets I tried did not work for me because I have a problem with binge eating. Cutting certain foods from my diet has never worked and will probably never work. I would sometimes tell myself that I have cut sugar, bread, rice, pasta, etc and then within a week or two, I’ll be on my bunk bed eating a medium pizza with large coke. Which is why I resonated with Jerome (Finally Fasting on Youtube) so much because he explained he had a similar problem of eating to the point of satiation and so delaying his eating window makes up for it so he can eat whatever he wants.

** What is your game plan?**
3-day (72hrs, max 90hrs) water fasts with a 4hr, no-limit eating window. Although I will try to not include too much sugar during my re-feeds perhaps a medium coke every other meal and slowly cut back. Then at least 3-mile walks on the treadmill everyday. I have my electrolytes ready and during the fasts if I feel extremely weak, I will have a bottle of lucozade or bel-aqua active.

How do I feel right now?
Really excited. I feel that this time is a little different because I used to be alone in my journey and struggles however, my cousin who is 110kg has joined me to embark on this journey and we can support, motivate and be accountable to each other.

How will I feel once I achieve my goal?
Beyond ecstatic. It might take me some time to unlearn my feelings of insecurity and my negative viewing of myself, but I know for certain that once I achieve my goal, I will soar into the heavens and not waste my time on achieving my other goals and dreams in life in terms of my career and other passions.

Daily Affirmation
Every step I take, every healthy choice I make, brings me closer to my ideal weight. I am strong, determined, and capable of achieving my goals.

Also P.S: Beyonce is now my weight loss spirit animal because the way she lost that much weight before Coachella inspires me so much! :sunglasses::upside_down_face:

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