My open-ended water fast! πŸ€πŸ‘€

Hello there! :blush:

Tonight at 9:30pm I started what I’ve decided will be an open-ended water fast, though I have set a minimum goal of 21 days which I will hit on March 25th if all goes well.

Every day I will be drinking water, green tea, and black coffee + taking a multivitamin, biotin supplement, iron + b vitamins (I need it) and electrolyte supplement (this one 3x per day).

I will also be using a smart hula hoop (yeah, the Kmart one from tiktok lol idc it’s fun!) for low impact exercise + walking once I’ve adjusted after a few days. I’ve been on a keto diet for several days, so it should be fairly easy to adjust.

That’s it really! If anyone wants to do it with me, that would be awesome too. I’m mainly doing this to lose weight and prevent health problems that come with obesity. My starting weight is 264 lbs. and my starting waist circumference is 41 inches. I’m 5’10".

Okay, I’ll update this as I go! I hope all of you that are currently fasting reach your goal, whatever that may be for you! :blush: xoxo


Hi and welcome to our fasting community. Feel free to join the march fasting challenge.
Wishing you the best :pray:t4:

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(((Thanks for the welcome! :slight_smile: )))

Morning of Day 1, 8:30am
SW: 264.0 lbs
CW: 261.4 lbs
TL: -2.6 lbs

I wanted to start my weigh-ins going forward in the morning before I drink anything. So yeah, I’ll do this every morning and maybe an end of day/before bed entry in the evening to keep me motivated and just give an honest update of how each day of fasting goes/feels for me.

Hope everyone currently fasting is having an easy day of it! :zipper_mouth_face::slight_smile: xoxo

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Morning of Day 2

Sigh. Yep, the struggle day for me! Well, the first 3 days usually, but day 2…ugh. Anyway, trying to keep my brain and hands occupied!

SW: 264 lbs
CW: 259.5 lbs
TL: -4.5 lbs

Nice to watch the number on the scale going in the right direction though so… :sweat_smile: xoxo

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I’m right there with you. Day 4 today