My 40 day water fasting journey

Hi Everyone my name is Cat and I’m rededicating myself in my walk with God. The purpose of my fast is to rebuild my relationship with God while I rebuild my temple. For some time now I have been working my way up in prolonged fasting with my longest fast being 15 days. I remember being so exhausted but also disappointed because looking back I could have gone longer. I will start tomorrow, and it has a new meaning. I constantly struggle with procrastinating, and never finishing what I start. My health is also not where I want it to be so that is a big motivator in this huge reset. I have to take it a day at a time and I decided that a forum would be a great place for me to journal my progress and help give an insight to the daily moments of growth or struggles I’ll experience on this journey. I don’t know what your faith is but I believe my faith keeps me going and I’m not perfect but I feel these next 40 days will be instrumental in my relationship with my Lord! Thank you for any tips and encouragement!


Hi Cat…you got this!

I’m starting tomorrow too, may your journey be as amazing as you are :herb::revolving_hearts: xxx