Miri’s daily journal

I am sooo looking forward to the sun! Being able to keep the doors to the garden open so our boy can play wherever he wants and be outside all the time!

This fasting:
SW 105.6
CW 103
GW 99.7

86 Hours in.

I have not set a schedule nor an end date. No goal in hours to fast.

I am just going with the flow, hoping to go well below that magic number :sweat_smile:

I have two bets placed with healthywager, both for 99,8 kilos. One is ending the 14th of februari.

As soon as I can weigh out, I will and then going to do mainly OMAD and throw in some ADF as I see fit for the rest of the month of februari.

But right now I have 11 more days to lose 3 kilos so I better keep my eye on that prize, focus and keep on fasting.

Today is day 4 and actually feeling quite good at the moment :muscle:t2:

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107 hours and I broke my fast.

Having an egg breakfast as we speak :sweat_smile:

Will start another EF on Sunday to break through that 100 kilo bump in the road.

Probably will gain some over the next few days but will try not to by eating zero carb.

Here’s to not sticking to plans and schedules and thoughts :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Take it as a warm up… That how I’m trying to see this week for me. My body has just demanded I fuel it.
So I’m just solidifying in my mind my reasons why I still want to push through.

How have you been getting on with the salt tablets?

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Right! I’m in it for the long run. Any fast is a good fast :muscle:t2:

The fasting capsules are ok. Not really noticing a big difference so I guess that’s good then.

Sea salt under my tongue though, that is a real game changers at times when I get really hungry!!


Aaaaaaaaand I am back again… and up in weight :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

So here is my all in, gotta gotta gotta do this new attempt:

Current stats: YIKES!!!

Current time weight loss fasting:


Yup. That is right. If I don’t loose a little over 12 kilos in the next 37 days, I LOOSE $2228


I KNOW I can do this though!

I am doing a daily routine of EFT tapping:

And as this routine will become more natural to me (as in not having to read it but knowing it by heart) I will be doing short sessions during the day whenever possible, especially when hungry :sweat_smile:

What does “weight loss fasting” mean to me?
First of all, I am aware that it will or will not be regarded as official fasting, depending who you talk to, which is why I want to follow what gives me the best shot to make this work for me personally:

I had stopped drinking coffee for 2 months but I have reintroduced it for now, because it does help me deal with hunger (and mindless eating when tired). I am very much aware that this is tricking my body, but right now, loosing weight and reaching a healthy bmi is most important.

I am taking fasting salts in capsules and use ACV gummies. The Appel cider vinegar is there to help with hunger as well. I am aware that acv gummies may affect autophagy and thus strictly should not be taken during an extended fast. BUT if the may help me get through the toughest moments, I’ll take that over quitting.

The ones I am taking right now are store bought but I want to try make them myself so that they have less ingredients in them.

I ordered an aroma stick (hoping it will arrive in the next few days) that supposedly will help me with dealing with hunger.

The topic of excercise: the only exercise I will do is run around my little one and be outside with him as much as possible. Fortunately the weather has changed and it looks like many sunny days coming up. This will certainly help me with keeping busy and not thinking of food (other than catering for my husband and sun :joy::joy::joy:)

I am taking vitamins, also not part of a strict water fast. But it helps with the worries my husband will out when he will see me fasting for longer than I ever have so far.

Also: this weekend I WILL talk with him about it and tell him of my plan. Posting fasting stickies and asking him to help and encourage me.

YIKES :scream:

That last bit is a biggie. Seriously!

Now, how long will I continue fasting?

The idea is to continue fasting through the whole of March BUT if I happen to reach this Healthywage goal weight before the end of March, I will do the weigh out and continue fasting until my wager has been verified.

Ideally I want to fast until I am below 90 kilo, start refeeding with several days of bone broth, slowly adding eggs after that and then continue into carnivore to reach 80 kilos.

At that point I will see what my next steps are and how I feel about this lifestyle. However, I DO want to keep fasting (OMAD or ADF) in my life!

And I WILL beat my carb addiction and achieve freedom of this stupid food addiction that has put my body down for too long!

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Today’s picture… showing me the jeans I want to be able to zip up before the end of this challenge. Obviously quite a long way to go still since I was just about to squeeze my legs and bum in there, far far far off from closing :joy::joy::joy:

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My version of my stickies

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I absolutely love the tapping for weight loss exercises!! This is something I will definitely try! Thanks for posting those! My body looks similar to yours. I think we will both be in our goal jeans very soon. We can do it!!

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I have a hard time finding the time to consistently do the tapping, hopefully once it gets easier, it will feel more like a daily routine that is just part of my life :heart:

Let’s do this @Esbyrose :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

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86 hours in and I just talked with my husband.

Told him how I am not going to eat this weekend and probably a bit longer (:rofl::rofl::rofl:) He said “nothing at all??” Right, nothing at all.

That I have done my research, taking vitamins, electrolytes and a tiny amount of fat to do this in a sensible way.

That I want to get wat below 100 kilos (I actually want to go way below 90 during this fast but I’ll cross that bridge with him as I gat there😂

That I need to do this because I have a real hiccup with that 100 kilo line and I need to break through it big time full force steam ahead :rofl::rofl:

Because each time I get close and then something happens, I get derailed and go way up again.

Enough of that!!!

If there ever was a time that I can do this, now it is!!!

With COVID still in play, we have absolutely no social obligations so there is no excuse!

The motivational poster will be put up on Monday . I have been thinking all night when and where to put it (it is huge!) and how to break the news with my husband.

But then I figured, as long as I don’t tell him, it isn’t real. So first step is taken.

Second step will be after the weekend, when he has sees that I am 100% serious about this. (And I’ve already lost a bit more :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:)


Haha. I’m hiding my stickies in my bathroom from my ex-husband/best friend/roommate! He totally encourages week long fasts but that’s it! Any longer is unhealthy in his eyes. Fortunately, he is pretty oblivious to what I may or may not be doing in the kitchen and just assumes I’m eating. We are very good at just living our lives totally separately while in close proximity to each other. But I’m not sure how long I can hide it. I just don’t want to hear negative comments while I’m healing.
Instead of hiding candy and chocolate from him, I now hide fasting stickies! No shame in that!!
We are going to kill it!

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Yes we will :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

So true how people respond to not eating but totally ignore it if you completely stuff your face with junkfood :joy::joy::joy:

I really want to get through the weekend and then continue… and I think that putting up my poster in the middle of the living room will make a difference with doing a longer fast.

Funny thing, I just noticed how my focus shifted from breaking through the 100 kilo line to getting below 90 before my birthday. I believe that is completely doable and what a GReAT gift I would give myself by doing so!


96 hours in.

In about 1,5 hour it is my boys bedtime and I have “nightduty” tonight so guess what? I’ll be soon in bed, fasting during the night :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Almost feels like cheating, waking up with another some hours added to this fast :joy::joy:

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02.34 … wide awake since my little boy is wide awake :persevere::persevere:

103 + hours into this fast.

I just read a testimony of a woman fasting for 30 days. She lost an amazingly 50 (!!!) lbs.

50 lbs would bring me near my GW, so close
(I don’t even know what my GW is right now, but when I get closer to it, I will :sweat_smile:

Just the thought of how much we can change within such a short period of time blows my mind away.

I would be absolutely freakingly if id even only lose half of that in March!!

So onwards it is :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


Well I survived the night :confounded::confounded::confounded:

I have been awake till 05.00 when I was finally able to get my son back to bed asleep… I bet the full moon had something to do with it…

Anyways… I am now at 110 hours… longest fast so far!


Congratulations! And I can relate to those nights. Take it real easy!


oh boy, those nights …

It is the main cause for me over eating this past year… being exhausted during the day, I find it really hard NOT to grab whatever lies around to get some energy inside me :sleepy:

But right now it seems different. Different focus and I now that tonight I sleep alone (hubbie and I decided to go 50/50 on the nights for the time being, so we both get a bit more sleep and be able to be more pleasant during the day wahahaha.


I said I was going to wait until tomorrow to put my motivational poster up, but I thought, why wait.

I AM doing this!

So now it is up, right in our living room!

I did hide the last two rows as to not add too much stress (the row where it talks about my healthy wage net and the money that is at stake :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:)