Matt's waterfast

Sounds like you have a crook back too!

Were you lifting 150 pound bags of cookie dough? That is heavy.

I was seeing an Osteopath regularly, have had acupuncture and there was regular massage and dry-needling of my hip to free me up which did help but did not fix the issue. Thankfully my issue is not disc related but the issue is kind of similar. It is a piriformis syndrome so impacts the sciatic nerve. I have managed it but it has become a lot worse lately and I was at the point where I am considering a scan and a potential nerve block but I want to see if fasting can help repair me through autophagy as well as weight loss and reduced inflammation.
Iā€™m giving myself three months to drop some weight but am also hoping the healing powers of fasting can sort me out.


@Mattyboy haha not bags of cookie doughā€¦ from scratch in a GIANT mixer. I use to make about 1,000 lbs of cookies a week. Totally ruined my back but fun memories none the less.

I like that you have given yourself a time frame. I wish I had done that with my first injury. I waited too long. PRP should be great for piriformis/siatica. What they do is draw some of your blood, put it in a centrifuge, then take all the left over protein rich platelets and inject them into your injury. It help heals it on its own. It is totally natural. It takes a bit longer and may or may not be covered by insurance. I hope you donā€™t need any of that though! I hope fasting resolves your pain. However, if you can some PT and stretches can help too

Day 9 Still alive! Having trouble getting to sleep but sleeping well. ZMA tablets are doing the job.


Day 9ā€¦ Congrats! This is amazing!

The sleep cycles get weird and itā€™s hard to control especially if you take a nap in the dayā€¦ try to avoid those if possibleā€¦ I couldnā€™t ā€¦

I am really hoping that the fast resolves your back issueā€¦ please keep us posted!

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Thanks legends! Yeah, hanging in thereā€¦

Fast will be broken tonight at roughly the 9 day mark. Happy with this. Iā€™ll get back on the horse tomorrow. Probably not an ideal refeed but there will be champagne and it would be rude not to partakeā€¦ :wink:


Day 1 again. Fast until Sunday i.e 7 days target.

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Lol ! Kyle I laughed at this. I too think about how all I want to do is live off 12 year old birthday party food ā€¦ :laughing:

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Did you have champagne?

Did I have champagne? Ha ha.

When someone offers you Bollinger, you say yes! Interesting that I had a few glasses as well as some tuna and salad etc that was on offer and I immediately felt really full to the point of being slightly uncomfortably bloated before needing to excuse myself rather quickly if you know what I mean.

Not exactly a textbook refeed but Iā€™d do it again. We have been locked down for 12 weeks and it was great to see some friends and there is no way I am missing out because I am fasting. That said, if I go longer it has become obvious that I will need to observe and appropriate re-feeding protocol.


Iā€™m a veulve cliquot or Piper heidsieck girl myself.

But Iā€™d be needing a couple of bone broth refeed days and time near the restroom for sure.

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I have learned a valuable lesson. Lol. Not sure whether it was the food or the bubbles that caused the issues.

Footnote: My wife has continued to fast and is counting down the hours until she gets to her 14 days.

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Anything can do it to you. I stay near a restroom for all refeeds.

Your digestive system goes to sleep when you fast for a longer duration. It has to be awakened gently.

Thereā€™s a whole refeed section.

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Day 2 All good.


Day 3 all good.

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Just had an MRI on lower my back. If I stand up or walk anywhere I end up in excrutiating pain. I am going to see how I go tonight- the fasting is not that difficult but my doc has advised me to get onto anti-inflammatory drugs which of course must be consumed with food. I will sleep on it tonight and see how we go tomorrow. Sitting/ lying down is fine. I have an appointment with my Osetopath on Friday morning so Iā€™ll see if I can hang on until then.

My wife is still going strong on the fast. Around 48 hours to go for 14 days straight which is a supreme effort. If I can hold out until then I will have fasted 13 out of 14 days which I think is not to shabby too.


No judgement, but this seems so counterproductive to me. Fasting gets rid of my inflammation :rofl:. No food no drugs.

I dislike most Drā€™s. Again, just me.

Feel better! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I empathize so much with your back pain. I have no advice. You must find what works for you. All I know for certain is that chronic pain can make coping with daily life near to impossible some days. Sending you lots of healing loving kindness!

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Iā€™m sorry youā€™re struggling with back pain. Very good work on your fast, Matty.