Looking for an accountability buddy :D

Hi all,
I’m starting a 14 day water fast tomorrow (Sep 27th), and looking for a buddy to do it with.

I just started my 10 day fast today

I started a 17 day fast on the 27th— I’d be happy to check in with each other!

oh hai! I just started mine yesterday…? (I made a post at the daily journal called SIBO eradication, that’s why.) It would be 24 hours at 8pm my time tonight. We can do this!

Hi, Mflickner, Jewell and skoey!

How is fasting so far?
I am starting to feel a bit hungry, and forget to hydrate frequently. How about you guys?

Hi Kia, and Mflickner and Jewell!

I’m officially past the first 24 hours (I’m at hour 28).
I’m feeling the hunger pangs but I just ignore them by keeping busy.
I also have to remember to hydrate, lol.

What are you guys using for electrolytes? I react to stevia so I found this concentrated saline solution with potassium and magnesium that I just add to water.

We got dis! :metal:

I am almost on day 6 of a 42 day water fast.
We are in it together…we in it to win it…

Can i join :heart: But its my day 1 today

Of course!

Hi everyone!
First week is almost over for me. I can’t help but feel a little proud that I made it this far :))
ngl, I’m not feeling super energetic, and the hunger attacks are a bit overwhelming, but hey, since I made it this far, I’m not stopping now :muscle:t3: :smiley:

And skoey, to answer your question about electrolytes, I just drink a mixture of pink salt (1tbs) and water (2cups) everyday.

And I wanted to ask, what do you guys plan on doing after this, dietwise? will you be following a keto, Vegan, Mediterranean,…,etc.

Hi new people! welcome!

@Kia, proud of you for overcoming the 1st week, yay! As for your diet question, I’ve already been carnivore for over a year prior to this fast so the only thing I’ll change is no dairy (except butter) for a month afterwards, just to see if my SIBO has been totally eradicated. Then I’ll slowly add dairy back.

Anyone wanna share what their refeeding process will be like after the extended fast is done? I think I’ll make bone broth on day 13. It might be torturous :rofl: but I usually simmer the bone broth for 48 hours to get more collagen in. After day 14 is over I’ll start with a half cup of bone broth, then maybe a half piece of bacon or a bite of meat. Wait 4 hours, then repeat. The refeeding process needs to be introduced very slowly or else your digestion gets wrecked (by refeeding syndrome or refeeding edema).

@skoey Thanks!!
Interesting, I am planning on following keto and OMAD after this is over.
About the refeeding process, on day 1, I will have a cup or two of bone broth along with half a can of chunk light tuna. And on day 2, maybe a boiled egg and some soup. Just want to take it super slow.

Hey all,
Hope you are doing well! @Kia, congrats on being past your first week already! I am impressed with your tenacity, and hope you get some more energy soon.
@skoey, how are you feeling?
I ended up getting started on October 1, so I am just a couple of days in and will have to shorten my fast to a 14-day. Other than feeling a little less energy and having a little less patience, I’m feeling good so far! Hope that continues as I get started with the work week. :crossed_fingers:
Good luck everyone!

hi @Kia, @Jewell! and everyone else on this thread. :slight_smile:

The boiled egg sounds good! Actually anything meat-related to me is sounding good :rofl:

Hang in there @Jewell! I think so far for me the first 5 days are the hardest because I’m getting over the hunger pangs.

Hi @Jewell,
thanks!! I’m feeling much better, much more energetic, just have the occasional acid reflux (which I’ve heard is common), other than that everything is going smoothly!
How are you holding up?

Hey @skoey,
yeah, I miss meat too!
well, almost 3 more days, then I can gradually reintroduce it into my diet.
How are you doing so far?

hi everyone, how’s it all going? I think most of us should be done by today, right?

I finished mine last night at 8pm, and I refed with a small bowl of egg pudding in bone broth with bacon bits and salmon roe on top. I can’t tell you how orgasmic that first bite was, lol :joy:

Overall I feel really great and accomplished that I did the 2-week fast. I’ve never done anything like that so it was a great experience thus far.