Looking for 40 day fast support/guidance

I’ve just failed my second attempt at completing a 40 day water fast. I can’t pinpoint if it’s a lack of discipline, will power, support, accountability, or all the above. I don’t want to share my journey in my personal life because I do not want their judgement.

Looking for tips, support, accountability buddies. Completing this is a huge goal for me and I don’t want to keep starting over.



Hi there,

It is best to do a very low carb diet first and then water fast, this will make it easier for you, and also take your electrolytes. You could start low carb now and water fast 1st of May or a few days later. All the best.


Give yourself some grace to honour a refeed.
You can hop in and out of a fast if your careful with what you eat.
Would you be hard on yourself and not see the achievement of fasting 40 of 50 days for example?