My confession: I can’t seem to quit Diet Pepsi. I get 90% of the way there, then have a massive craving and go back to drinking that stuff again.

I figure my addiction is stopping me getting a lot of the benefits from fasting, because it’s ruining my gut health and causing problems with insulin sensitivity. Great reasons to quit the stuff.


The Challenge: June is No Diet Soda Month. Not a single sip.

If you don’t have a problem with diet soda, but you’re trying hard to shake fake sugars and artificial sweeteners instead, then welcome aboard - that’s a really good alternative.

When?: Start Monday 1st of June. If you fail, feel free to start over. Your only competitor is yourself. Let’s support one another through this!

So - is anyone else with me?

How is it going so far? With me the best way to end a bad habit is to replace it with something else. I suggest you maybe drink bubbly water, it has flavors but no sugar or sweeteners. Since it is pop, it might make the trick of thinking you had soda. All the best

I’m with you. I think artificial sweeteners are the last bane in the way of me gaining control of my primal urges.