Jenna's Daily Journal

Hi, my name is Jenna & I live in Sunny San Diego!
EXCITED to start my first 7 Day Water fast – WITH SUPPORT & ACCOUNTABILITY!

    • Define your “WHY” - Why are you doing this?
      To be as present for, available for and engaged with LIFE – and my 14 year old son. I want to feel FREE and stop the obsession with weight and food (and wine) that holds me back. Summer is almost here and THIS IS THE YEAR that I “shed” so much of what is stopping me from living life FULL OUT!

    • What are your long term and short term goals?
      7 day water fast to lose 5-7lbs and JUMP START another 15lbs. Get back to exercising daily and STOP OBSESSING

    • What are some struggles you face or you have faced in the past
      Wine…wine…wine and then I eat!

    • What is your game plan? (/.e. OMAD intermittent Fasting + Keto + Water Fasting
      Water fast to OMAD

    • How do you feel right now? (Happy, Sad, Anxious, etc.) and why?
      Happy to be starting but also anxious because I’ve tried to water fast repeatedly and made it to Day 3.

    • How will you feel once you achieve your goal? (Visualization)
      Confident, sexy, ALIVE

    • Write down your daily positive affirmation: “I am…” (I.e. "I am passionate, I am strong, I am capable and I will achieve my dream body once and for all, no more excuses!)
      I am a vibrant, confident & sexy woman and I treat myself with love and respect.

    • Write anything else you want to write, let this flow freely since it’s your journal for yourself!
      LET’S DO THIS! and “We can do hard things!”


Love this !!! :fire::fire::fire: let’s go!

Day 1 - get to bed!!!

Unfortunately, it’s only 3:40pm but if I could… I WOULD!

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Day 2!!! :heart_eyes:

YAAAASSSSSS IT IS!!! :sunglasses: Slept great and ready to KEEP GOING! Thanks for checking in :slight_smile:

Aha! You’ve been found!


How was your shindig last night? Have you kept going or did the evil feed me gremlins find a way in?