Every minute of my 1st in my life prolonged water fast I enjoyed and appreciated.
Dear @Yasemin,
Without your personality, your crazy infectious drive and energy, I would not be able to be where I am now.
Thank you for your time helping and inspiring others!
Dear Alipio, @Compdude, thank you for your wisdom and little hearts that you were not lazy to put after each post. You were an invisible knight, supporting a desperate lady!
And one of the heart warmest THANK YOU to all people who checked my posts, commented and gave me so much boost, accountability. Even despite the fact I was doing this whole thing solo, I always knew that you, dear WATER FASTING FRIENDS are there, supporting, thinking, making 1 minute of your time to cheer me up.
Thank you, all. I really appreciate you being there.
I will be starting my refeed tomorrow, but after that I will continue my journey to better and healthier me.