I'm back! Or 40 days to get myself back

So, here I am.

After more than 2 years of emotional traumas, gaining more than double what I’ve lost during my last waterfast, I am finally ready for a big fight.

My weight now: 216 lbs ir 98kg.
Health concerns: feeling bloated, had a heavy period (after not having for 2 months and thinking that I was menopausal as I’m 48), but the rest seems is fine.

No shortness of breath, no feeling heavy, no swollen anything.

My sleep is good, appetite is good, wasn’t binging at all.

Why I decided to waterfast?

Many reasons.

  1. Summer is coming. Want to be slim and sexy as I was before.
  2. Can’t fit into my favourite clothes.
  3. Religious beliefs and wanting to polish my flaws, to suffer for good, to get rid of evil thoughts, deeds, intentions, relationships, and a big preparation for the water baptism! I want to do it next month, in April thus year.
  4. To cleanse from inside out.
  5. To get rid of old skin, hair, wrinkles, and all the damage I’ve done to my body while eating whatever and whenever.
  6. To start being a vegetarian after I finish my fast. To eat more often and to change completely my eating regimen which would definitely be only with intermittent fasting - between 12pm and 6pm.
  7. To have the mental clarity and energy.
  8. To be able to transition smoothly into the gym regimen and routines.
  9. To prepare myself for the Summer Music Festival where I would be playing the piano in front of my students and their families.
  10. To be able to be “on the move” for weddings, funerals and other business plans.
  11. To buy new outfits size M, and not XL or L.
  12. Overall, to be comfortable in my body and to have this year or Rabbit as my year!!!

So, started my fasting now.

Decided to go for 40 days. Don’t ask me why. Just because I felt I needed exactly as many days as that.

So, God help me. :tired_face:


Morning, beautiful!

That’s I am writing to myself :grin: or, who knows, if someone reads my post, then, it’s you as well.

So, everything is going as planned. No slacking, no excuses, no weighing myself, no counting how many days I already did. Just living ONE and only day at a time.

Craving? Oh yeah​:sob::sob::sob::sob:
Sugar addiction? Absolutely! :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:
Headaches? Fool bloom. As it’s a withdrawal for real :no_mouth:‍:fog::no_mouth:‍:fog::no_mouth:‍:fog:
Insomnia? Not really, but sleep is disturbed :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:

Tits are getting smaller, so as my face. Don’t see any difference though. It’s like I had the last time - the whoosh :exploding_head:effect.

I decided not to weigh myself until I would really see the difference and feel much lighter. My goal is to cleanse my body, not to count how many pounds I’m down to. It’ll obviously will come down.

Got sick with flu, or cold, I don’t know what :cold_sweat: - sneezing, cough, raspy voice, hard breathing, fever. Not exactly a great combination for the diminishing energy level. Tried my best to drink as much as I could, but teas that don’t have calories. Today, I feel just tiny bit better :butterfly:.

Had my antidepressant, the cut in half dose, 150mg of Effexor as I can’t get rid of it completely due to my CPTSD, and depression. Still, I’m very proud that I reached the level where I am HALF🤓 the humongous dosage!!! Without it, I would definitely not survive as so many events happened in my life that that stress level wasn’t bearable any longer…

The rest? I didn’t take anything else. No apple cider vinegar, no Himalayan salt, no multivitamins, no any other supplements. Just want to deplete all the above stored yet and then, to start adding little by little as a support for survival.

Hunger? Obviously, but not as much as it was in the beginning. Manageable.

So, that’s it for today. Will write something tomorrow. Don’t want to skip anymore.

Love myself and all of you :kissing_heart:


:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: Let’s go beautiful!!!