Heather's Daily Journal

Hi I am Heather I’ve been struggling with weight all my life. I have lost weight lots of times in my life and always gained more each time… I feel so ashamed. I isolate myself and don’t wish to see anyone. I in fact hide out and liken what I am doing to being on a roller coaster…… I know I have to get off at some point and start again……

I am doing this because I feel depressed everyday due to my weight. I have been isolating myself because I’m so ashamed. I am dreading it now that covid restrictions are being removed and will have to face my friends and family…… so ashamed.

Long Term and Short Term Goals:
Long term goals for me to lose weight and maintain the weight loss for the rest of my life.
Short term goals is to stick to this day in day out.

What are some struggles you face or you have faced in the past
I struggle with depression… I struggle to get going and be useful every single day… I eat and eat for comfort and then feel ashamed upset and unhappy and unmotivated to do my chores and keep on top of all the jobs that need doing……it is such a vicious cycle I then isolate myself from everyone which again causes the eating which I do in secret when my husband is out or gone to bed…… I feel trapped in an endless cycle.

**** What is your game plan?****
OMAD + low carb and hopefully ketosis – works for me and once I crush the sugar and junk food habit I know it works for me.

How do I feel right now?
I feel hopeful that I can do this……

How will I feel once I achieve my goal?
I will feel proud of myself, will feel comfortable to see my family again. I will feel happy again and my relationship with my husband will improve.

Daily Affirmation
I can do this, I am proud of myself, I am worthy of a happy life.