Gradually Increase IF


I plan on increasing my fasting times in one hour increments. My recent highest intermittent fasting length is 22 hours. So, I just started a fast for 23 hours. After it completes, I will set my sights on 24 hours, and so on.

I will be checking in with my progress.

Bon chance!

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How did you do? My many times experienced tip is that the first stage to successful fasting is to lower carbs gradually to under 20g per day. That puts you in to slight ketosis after every night i.e. next morning has measurable but slight ketosis. At this point you still eat fat and protein like eggs. That state of ketosis makes the success happen because it suppresses the hunger and cravings. Then it is very easy to postpone the first meal like 5 hours. Other thing to know is that it might take several months of ketogenic diet until body fully utilizes fat. The result of reduced calories ketogenic diet lack of tireness and kognitive function is better that on carbs. You know that it is the situation when all kognitive power is there even you don’t eat much. Last summer I started with a month of no carbs gradually lowering calorie intake to zero. I was able to reach full enhanced kognitive performance after about 30 days fasting. I quit the fasting at 45 days and continued on 2000kcal ketogenic diet for three months. I made one error though. It was very hard daily work with wheelbarrows filled with stones started at the end of fasting lasting a month.
That induced some swelling and numbness in the legs. Those passed totally after three months but it took too much time and I would say it is dangerous. The time of fasting should be taken physically relaxed.Some slight 30min joggin is very good idea to keep heart and lungs at the top of their game. Generally I have had very good experience with my fastings and especially I love the better focus which emerges at some later point. After that 30 days of fasting I did not have a single faint episode when standing up which was the case before that. It looks like the fat adaptation stucks but not easily.

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