FMAO: FASTING MY ASS OFF 14-Day Challenge 💧

Girl!!! How long are you doing this? I may tackle April like this! That’s brilliant! That could be the key to getting my goal and getting detoxed in time for starting a new pregnancy!!!


Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: :white_check_mark:
Day :three: :white_check_mark:
Day :four: :white_check_mark: + Refeed :yum:
Day :five: in progress :pray:t4:

Hi there,
I will be fasting all year apart from planned events or trips etc. At the moment fasting for 4 to 5 days then refeed and start again. You are welcome to join :pray:t4:

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What are your results looking like so far?


Hi @Jennren96

I am not weighing myself for a few months, as I find it distracting because the weight has been hard to lose for years now. my weight gain wasn’t caused by a bad diet, it is due to lots of health issues which has made it impossible so far to lose weight. Weighing myself is discouraging for me so I tend not to do it frequently. Even with fasting my body still puts weight on, and refuses to lose as much as people half my size lol. This is why I will be fasting all year to get more results. :pray:t4:


Ohhh I see, I am sorry you have those struggles! Will you be following this fasting schedule all year? Or just for a little while?

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Thanks, I will follow it for now, but might do a longer fast sometimes as well. Because I will be fasting all year I might need to change it every so often to try and confuse my body :laughing:.


Fair enough! I’ll definitely check back here to see your progress, or find a journal or something.


That’s the goal here too!! Well this one just 2 weeks because going on a trip in a few days.

Then when I come back again !!


At the slopes today, got thrown off balance a bit because I was very tired for some reason this week!

Better today!

Got up early to go to the ski slopes and got some sun and vitamin D and feeling recharged :heart_eyes::sparkling_heart::fire:

Fasting today :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Nice!!! Y’all are making me want to do that! I’m holding out til April though!

That’s awesome, I’m currently on day 4 and it’s going amazing!!! I went in a walk and cleaned the bathroom and it’s been a really awesome day.

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Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: :white_check_mark:
Day :three: :white_check_mark:
Day :four: :white_check_mark:refeed :yum:
Day :five: :white_check_mark:
Day :six: in progress :pray:t4::sleeping_bed::partying_face::tada::100:

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Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: :white_check_mark:
Day :three: :white_check_mark:
Day :four: :white_check_mark: refeed​:yum:
Day :five: :white_check_mark:
Day :six: :white_check_mark:
Day :seven: in progress :pray:t4:

Day :one: :white_check_mark:
Day :two: :white_check_mark:
Day :three: :white_check_mark:
Day :four::white_check_mark: refeed
Day :five: :white_check_mark:
day :six: :white_check_mark:
Day :seven: :white_check_mark:
Day :eight: ongoing :pray:t4:

I will refeed at the end of day 8 and start afresh for the 1st of February. :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

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Sorry I went MIA oops :grin:

Jan 30: Water Fast :white_check_mark:

Jan 31: Water Fast
Feb 1: Water Fast
Feb 2: Water Fast
Feb 3: Water Fast (or Refeed) Trip Prep
Feb 4: Water Fast (or Refeed) Trip


Jan 30 :white_check_mark: Water Fast :droplet:
Jan 31 :white_check_mark: Water Fast :droplet:

Continue until I hit -100lbs this week :sparkles::sparkling_heart:

Day :eight: :white_check_mark: refeed
Day :nine: :white_check_mark: refeed

Starting over.
Day :one: in progress :partying_face:

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:fire::fire::fire: Amazing!!!

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Yesss this is the year for amazing results :muscle:t5:

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