Feel like giving up

Can’t do it no matter what I try just can’t get to the days I want to. Even reaching 24 hours is hard, I managed 15 hours today. I think I am going to have a break for a while maybe start again later on in the year or the new year. That is how I feel right now because it’s just too hard even though I don’t get hungry or full and haven’t in 10 years, I just get cravings that don’t help things. Dunno what to do to keep trying or to give up I am so frustrated with it all.

Fasting can be hard when you are not ready for it mentally. Try not to put so much pressure on yourself or be too strict. 15 hours is better than nothing. if you need a break take it ! relax and enjoy life.
:heart: :heart: :heart: sending all the love and encouragement because i am struggling myself.

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Couple of videos that helped me when i feel like giving up.
Tried posting these earlier but they didnt show up.

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Have you tried using himalayan salt in your black coffee or in your water or a dab on your tongue helps with craving and bloating… Its just pink salt, I put it in my coffee and water 1 tea spoon will be enough for 1 day don’t go over that I use 3 turns of the salt machine and being a witch if you stir it clockwise it makes it sweeter, hope that helps :herb::purple_heart::two_hearts::butterfly::crystal_ball:xxx