Fasting Reality List (when we forget)

Ok, let’s get this straight… :thinking:

  1. This CANNOT last forever. If this fasting concept works it MUST come to a conclusion.
  2. This NEVER ends. If my fast ends then I’m likely to gain weight, so I expect to start fasting again. Ummm. So why am I here? :smile:
  3. Fasting moves the scale better than ANY OTHER weight loss plan.
  4. Fasting answers A LOT of questions, doesn’t it? Holy Cow. [Is this vegan? Does this have msg in it? Is this grass-fed? What’s this item’s position on the glycemic index? How many calories? How many net carbs? Are these nuts sprouted, roasted or dehydrated? Where should I eat when I visit San Francisco? Do I need anything at the grocery store? Was this prepared in an aluminum pan? Are these on sale, or should I pass? (Any others, friends?)]
  5. Fasting is healthy. If a low “Fasting blood sugar” is good, then imagine just how good our blood sugar is during an extended fast! :grinning::+1:
  6. Fasting is BAD if we do it wrong! Take supplements, and electrolytes and keep your workouts LIGHT.
  7. Fasting is NORMAL. Let all these cars zooming past me in traffic go thru all the pain and suffering that comes from the hard life of navigating food. Today, I’m taking the sane approach.
  8. I’m going to update my friends at the Water Fasting Forum just to give someone a good feeling about this great idea we’ve all had together :heart:.