Fasting for freedom

Physical: Growly hunger and some pains but manageable. I am taking more salt this round so no dizziness yet, hurray!

Headaches :frowning: they dont seem to budge with more water or electrolytes really… It can be withdrawal symtoms, I had some sugary stuff the other day. Just gotta push through I guess but ideas for relieving are welcome

Emotional/mental: OK.
Learning a flight simulator game so I am mentally stimulated. That learning curve! :grin: :arrow_upper_right:

Debating whether I should weigh in or not. And if I can fast during birthday celebration fri/saturday. I just dont want to upset my friends, they are overweight too and we tend to not eat so good when hanging out. But if I feel that fasting state going on in a couple of days I might prioritize my feelings/goals here. Its a bit of dilemma!

Purchased some stickies yesterday, sadly only one color but thinking of a work around. :slight_smile:

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Tricky situation with the upcoming Birthday. Keep us posted. Good luck!

It is indeed. My friend just wrote all excited and said she’d do a special cake and everything. I’ve not seen her in a long time…makes me perk up to go, and obviously I will go!

Just, to fast or not to fast, that’s the question / Shakespeare

I’m scared but think I’m going to attempt a weigh-in tomorrow. Still feel bloated. I’ll have to accept a gain but if it’s the 9 kg (18-19 lbs? I like to simplify it as x2 - reality is x2,2) I’ve lost I will be very sad.

Enjoying that fast calmness…also thinking about looking at some food intolerances/allergies later on. Maybe I have some I’m not aware of. Weirdly my sense of smell seems heightened?! Am I becoming a dog? :grin:

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EAT THE CAKE! This isn’t an all or nothing situation. You’re living a life, making wonderful memories, don’t waste this opportunity for joy by feeling shame, regret or focusing on what you can or cannot have. Enjoy the moment! Just make a plan and stick to it.

Heightened sense of smell is very common while fasting. Nothing wrong with becoming a dog. They are amazing, wonderful fur babies!


@Kristy You’re probably correct! I’m doing some black and white thinking and it doesn’t serve me in this situation.
I feel some fear to not be able to jump on the wagon again but might be reinforce via experience that it’s possible. After all, there might be upcoming fasts I’d like to do in my life. Which answers the “open” question of it being a this or nothing.

Hm, I might continue to tuesday or possibly break it early wednesday then. Should be fine, I didn’t get any harsh reactions this recent “unplanned” break.

Good input, I appreciate it very much. Thank you

They are indeed. A blessing <3

Bleeeh I’m still debating if there’s a solution to do both though!! Will let that simmer in my mind a bit, + your comments.

I want to start again… but so intimidated. Will get a lot of symtoms right? (have been eating awfully :frowning: first round I came from a quite good OMAD, no sweets, no coffee…)

But I DO want to start. Let’s give it a think…


Intending to start tomorrow!!

Soooo tempted to buy some more sweets now but augh trying to reason with myself. Wow that sugar craving monster really has awakened and needs to be tamed. Its no little kitten :cat2:, its a tiger… :tiger:

My attempt at the fasting stickers!

Visualizing how good it will feel to rip one off the golden paper. Worth that short sugar burst and doesnt come with a crash…



Day 1

Current weight: 81 kg - impressed that I hadn’t gained more, and also relieved. Want to bust through that 80-barrier so bad.

Goal: Well my board up there is for 20 days. Let’s see but I feel a lot of motivation rushing through at the moment. 20 would be awesome though. :smiley:

Tools for sticking to it:

  • List of things to do instead of food
  • continue with my daliy meditation practices
  • did I say stay busy lol? but on the other side learn to stay “not busy” in my mind. Might be not compatible but…it’s a plan.
  • posting my progress here, I’ve bookmarked the thread in my computer browser (until it’s packed in a moving box) and also on my phone home screen
  • fasting stickies :slight_smile:
  • reminding myself that it’s going to feel better after the first couple of days, just chug it through and telling myself: I am capable! :100:

OK so I feel motivated as I’ve stated before. Maybe needed the little pause at this weight, and it’s ok to take it in chunks…
I feel A kind of spaciousness. Maybe my previous sticking to daily meditation (day 4 of 7 free trial, let’s see if I continue…) has paid off in some mental calmness.

Time is 10 … oops, it’s 11:30 because I got stuck with the aircraft-game but had fun! :grin:

Question about getting salt in! I take pink salt crystals and I know that it’s really good but UGH I don’t like it! Do you guys have any tips on getting them down quicker? I just put them under the tounge as much as I can to not feel the taste and then flood them with water. Grin a little and try to move on. I take the other electrolytes from tablets.

  • 11:30 - Okiedokie my plan for now is to write this post, then go for a loooong walk with the doggie to keep myself busy, drain some energy (and possibly help burn off some carbs swimming around inside? wont do me bad atleast…) I am intending to while I am out think about fun/engaging stuff that I can do to get my mind off food because I know the hunger will come. Grrooowl said my stomach now to that statement lol. :sweat_smile: Anyhow… feeling good still!

  • 14:00 That walk was great! :heart_eyes: doggie behaved mostly, I got to listen to some upbeat tunes and all in all quite good flow! Actually didnt want to return… (Was out for 1 hr plus) but my battery for earphones ended and yeah, lost the groove. Anyhow good activity. A little rumbly stomach and some slight hunger feelings, can feel a slight pressure in the head too but will take a shower and I have a plan for coming hours this afternoon; what to do with them. I think… :rofl: subject to change! Might go out again… So refreshing.

  • 17:00 After workingt hrough some emotions, feeling much better and indulging in my video project. Having fun! Physical fasting symtons not really present. But will get some more liquid into my body, I feel thirst!

Silly circus doggie doing paws up for treats:


This is totally possible and although secular is one of the practices Buddhist use every moment! First- download the Plumb Village app. It is perfect for meditation and it is FREE! It is Buddhist, however, it is a great resource! It has a mindfulness bell that is such a joy. I have it set to chime every 15 minutes from 6am-5pm. When the bell chimes I am reminded to stop, become aware of the present moment, and breath. I have sooooooo many recommendations for secular mindfulness/ loving kindness meditation that I would be more than happy to give to you! Although calm may be a byproduct of meditation it is not the “goal.” There is no goal, you’re not going anywhere or doing anything. It is just to be present in the moment. Noticing your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations non-judgmentally. The more you cultivate your practice it is likely to get really uncomfortable at times. You’ll be sitting with your suffering and need to nourish and love it.

One loving kindness meditations I do every night laying in bed is a body scan (this really helps with being conscious of our body, 9 hungers, and aides in fasting). I pick out my organs one by one and say silently while focusing/ visualizing on that body part “Eyes, thank you, I love you, I promise to take care of you. Stomach, thank you, I love you, I promise to take care of you, Adipose tissue, thank you I love you, i promise to take care of you.” Etc. This practice has helped me accept my body for how it is (especially since it is constantly trying to shut down and put “me” 6 feet under), how it is always changing, and has cultivated a wonderful love and gratitude of the miracle of having a body. I know it’s cheesy but our bodies are a temple and the more love and gratitude we cultivate for it the easier it is to take care of it.

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@Kristy First, no,it isn’t cheesy at all. I totally agree. I’ve been wrapped up into spirituality a couple of years now and I always get “poked” to take care of my body too. It is indeed a vessel/temple for our soul so it can certainly help caring for and loving it.

Hm, notifications every 15 minute? I wonder if that would just stress me out… I get that it’s as you say a reminder. Would love to hear what other tips you have! I’m using the Calm app for now, to kickstart my meditation practice again. I used to do stillness meditations for a while but apparently I need some guidance right now.

And yeah…there is no “goal” I get that to. :stuck_out_tongue: Silly mind wanting to make everything a goal. Even calmness. it’s more about presence. Yep, I know about it getting uncomfortable at times, i’ve done it a teeny tiny bit in the past but that pain came rushing in so hard so… but I do agree I would benefit from being more mindful overall. That’s what they state in the Calm-meditations too, that yes it’s good with those 10 minute relaxing of your mind - but the more you practice this - it’s meant to spread an overall awareness and minfullness throughout your day. To not be so reactive etc.

Btw perfect timing because I just this minute didnt know what to do with myself - my plan for next thing to do this afternoon had to wait for my phone to charge for my project…that made me feel a bit ugh, okay but. And sad. And instantly wanted to comfort with food ( I haven’t ).

I’ll try to stay with the feeling. Thank you.

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Awesome! With the mindfulness bell you can set it to go off as little or as much as you want. Maybe you only want it to chime once just for one hour- it’s all about what works for you! Keep being spectacular!

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@Kristy And the same to you! Thanks so much for the input! :slight_smile: :tulip:

More apps/tips are warm welcome! Yeah maybe a bit more spread out than 15 minute, I’ll go look at it later. :slight_smile:

I sat with the feeling…I know what it’s about now, the sadness. I dimmed the lights and just started a candle. My intention first was to kind of do a still meditation but I think there were so many thoughts and feelings coming out so I focused on it and “talked” myself through it. While also being mindful of my breath and feelings in my body. Whoosh… but it’s all better now! And no calories entered my body! :smiley: Very good. I’ll need to remind myself that this is an option.

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I really think you would enjoy and resonate with this book: Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food (Revised Edition) Paperback – November 21, 2017.

It is so simple, clear, and helpful at helping us figure out just what part of us is “hungry.” So much of the time we’re mindlessly eating because our heart needs nourishment or we have mouth hunger to eat more even though we’re totally stuffed!

Is circus doggie a Pyr?

@Myhnabird No he’s a golden retriever :blush:

@Kristy I have that book! Not sure if it was you or some other kind soul on this forum recommending it earlier. I did listen to the beginning. Will delve into it more further on. :slight_smile: Wasn’t ready for it I guess… #resistance lol

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20:00 - Having a good time with my video editing. My stomach is a little upset…it’s now officially around 24 hours since last food intake. Feeling a bit nauseous. Not hungry but a little off. I did take salt, might be too little or I need the others too. I’m planning on sleeping quite early (keyword: planning), and will remember the other electrolytes tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Feeling motivated still!

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You’re standing over my tracker mr doggo! :stuck_out_tongue: :dog2:

Yeay one down!!!
Theres one in the blue zone already encouraging me but that will come later! :blush:


22:20 Doggie out for last walk and then I am aiming to get some zzz. This day has been great! :heart_eyes:

Just gotta be careful with the nausea but it will be ok. Intending that :slight_smile:


Day 2


Woke up to the alarm and my head is hurting! Really bad :frowning: but hoping it will subside.
Need to drink more, dont think I got even 1,5 liter (0,4 gallons) or so yesterday. And the electrolytes.

Thinking about also skipping coffee but its tempting with the little mug of hot goodness after morning outing with the doggie.

I am glad I get help for the lunchwalk today because gosh that head :exploding_head:


Fell asleep again and got up 11.30. My tummy is upsetti… again, let’s ditch the coffee from here on out, I’m thinking it doesn’t help with the symtoms. My face and upper body feels heated somehow. Like my skin is warm. But can’t report any hunger. Keeping on drinking… and salt+the other electrolytes downed. Headache much better, a bit heavy in the head but OK.

Also I’m amazed at how not hungry I feel, hoping this will continue! :star_struck:


This thing with doing a journal feels good this time! Feels like a focusing tool.

Looots of heat as I said, thats my only symtom right now. Tummy currently being OK and so is head. Just lots of heat. It might be other or partly because of other things though, Ive received some energy healing couple of days ago and could be that clearing and rising too. Anyways feeling ok.

Dont miss food at all right this minute (in a couple of hrs it will be 48).

And now onto day 6 of the calm meditation.


Did I say I wasnt hungry? Weeeell I can feel some now. So tempting to heat up some veggie hotdogs. Willpower needed! :scream:


Another one bites the dust. But omg it was hard earlier. i am gonna turn in to just sleep away the feeling of wanting to eat , is my plan, after doggiewalk. I dodged cravings by going for a bike ride and the clouds were so fluffy and good looking! It was so fresh and pretty lighting out :slight_smile::heart_eyes: