Diary i guess

**want to delete thanks


I want to lose 50 lbs by the end of the year aswell!!! good luck


Phenomenal! Remember to take this journey step by step and set mini-goals and work your way up! Feel it in the way you think, in the way you breathe, in the way you feel, in the way your clothes fit! The scale is a great tool, but make sure to remember all the non-scale victories that come with this journey also, and set small healthy and sustainable goals! It’s not a race to the finish line, and you can do this!!! :smiley:

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Don’t expect to gain lean muscle while fasting. From my research into Dr. Valter Longo of the Ageing Institute at the University of Southern California (he’s considered the leading expert on prolonged fasting), you need protein to add lean muscle mass. It’s best to wait until your Refeeding breaks to push the weight resistance.

For myself, I’m looking to get to my goal weight first and THEN look to add to my lean muscle mass. I’m not saying don’t exercise, but don’t over stress your muscles to the point they are sore. I’m also speaking from my experience as a former Certified Personal Trainer for 5 years.


There is an important family thing happening by xmas, so I definitely want to lose it beforehand.

We can do it!!! Do you have a link to your thread? I’d love to keep track of each other’s progress :slight_smile:

Want to delete thank you

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Thanks for the advice! I’ll be sure to look up that doctor’s name. :slight_smile:

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