Diana Daily Journal - my first 21-Day fast

DAY 1.
Now I have had it!! I have been fasting and feasting for a year now and arrived in the same (or worse) weight and body fat ratio!! I am done with this yo-yo and working on loving myself enough to heal the past and invest my energy into the future.
I am starting today with 21 day water fast!! 16 hrs in and going strong. For me, Day 1-3 are the most difficult and I had a lot of Day 1s!! Not this time!!
I will change my body, mind, mental state and energy levels before Easter!! It‘s fasting time in the church calendar now until Easter so perfect fit - people were fasting during this time for thousand of years to improve their health and mental state. I am very excited that I am back in control and have a plan of action rather then mindlessly letting life take over!! It feels great to be in charge not not let my body dictate what I should be doing or eating. It will also free tons of time and energy going into cooking, eating, cleaning up, shopping and save money - what a win-win situation!!
Love and light to you all - we‘ve got this! Xx


I’M IN TOO!!! 21 days— LET’S DO THIS!!! I’m gonna write down my “WHYS” and put my “stickies“ together! I hear you when you say you’re doing day 1 over and over again. I’ve been trying since March 1st to get past three days and I keep caving.

I know that once I get past day for I’ll feel better… But the wine calls me @ 5pm and then next thing I know… I’m eating potato chips and saying “tomorrow is another day and I’ll start again!“

And then the next night… It’s like “Groundhog Day“ for me😤 So we’ll keep each other company and make this happen!


Day 2. Check-in. Boy, I struggled yesterday with the wine and food calling in the evening, so I went for a meditation walk outside and just delayed and delayed until it was late, so did some yoga and went to bed. I woke up Day 2 SO HAPPY that I stayed fasted and didn’t cave in and had to start with Day 1 all over again!! It is much easier to be on Day 2 than Day 1 from mental perspective. I am on the fasting train and the train has left the station!! I did my fasting stickies today, listened to Yas’ pep talks on YouTube and feel like a million dollars!! My mental state is already better just after 36 hours, I feel more energy, more confidence and more happy than yesterday!
@JennaL - keep going beautiful, we are doing it for ourself. Fasting = self-love!!
We’ve got this!! Love and light to all of you xxx



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I am so proud of you too… Not so proud of me! Super stressful day so 8 o’clock gave into the half bottle of wine that I had left… And then tortilla chips. I told myself that I had to get the last of the wine out of the house… Total excuse and complete lie, I would’ve been much better washing it down the sink. And OF CIRSR, today is my girlfriend’s birthday party and we’re all meeting out for cocktails so at this point, my Groundhog Day situation continues​:woman_facepalming:t3::see_no_evil::woman_facepalming:t3:

Sunday is my NEW official day one. So I’ll be two days behind you… Rooting you on. I’ll get back on the train.


Day 3 check-in. Going strong! Woke up soooooo HAPPY with myself that I am in a fasted state, I am in charge of brain and body and not caving in to calling of the food/wine!!
@JennaL - I had the same story with rest of wine in the fridge and tortilla chips on the last day before I started the fast. I actually did finish that bottle, the chips and pretty much everything edible in my fridge. So I prepared that there are no excuses left :wink: Remember - you are exactly where you meant to be! The Universe/God/whatever you believe in send us challenges, so we can overcome them and become a better, stronger person on the another side!! And if you receive a challenge, that means that you have a strength and power inside of you to overcome it!!
I did a beautiful yoga session this morning, had my morning cup of coffee outside enjoying the sun and listening to uplifting music. I realized that I want that feeling of self-love and wholeness that comes from fasting and being kind to myself more than I want food or drink.
And fasting brings that feeling every time for me!! So HAVE FAITH in yourself, in Universe - when you have nothing else to hold on to - HAVE FAITH, HAVE FAITH! You are in control of your inner world how you feel and fasting can make you feel in control, self-love and amazingly happy.
Happy Sunday to all you beautiful souls xxx


@Diana THANK YOU for such an awesomely articulated pep-talk. You’re an outstanding writer and an even better motivator. I appreciate all the self-love encouragement and I’M HAVING FAITH! Doing great on Day 1 and feeling fabulous knowing that my house is WINE-FREE. I do have a 13 year old son who will require feeding but that’s not daunting to me right now. I’M GOING TO DO THIS!

Thank you, again, for your uplifting words and support.

I hope you’re still doing great at the end of the day. Day 3 & 4 are challenging but sounds like you have a solid grasp on your WHYS & you’re WINNING! :star_struck:

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Day 4 check-in. Boy, Day 3 was mentally hard, so I kept working on changing my emotional state without food but with walking, music, jumping on my rebounder, yoga and reading my motivational messages to myself next to my fasting stickies. I knew if I got thought this day, I would be so proud of myself & happy and I wanted this feeling more than food.
Woke up on Day 4 in extasy and soo happy :blush:. Nothing tastes as good as this feeling of euphoria. It comes every time on a extended fast, just at a different point!!
Keep going all you beautiful souls, surrender to the unknown and new experiences - have faith and trust in your body, be in charge of your mind. I decide when I am ready to break my fast, not mind telling me to quit and “start tomorrow again”. No more starting tomorrow, I’m on the train and we keep going forward, not backward!!

Day 2 check in! VERY happy that I made it through Day 1 so at least I’m not doing THAT day again :wink: Day 3 & 4 are the toughest for me, for sure! Stay strong…we’re RIDING THE TRAIN!

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I will be joining you guys 2mar too. I understand your frustration. I think a long fast of 21 days is great. I keep just doing 5.