Annjunie works it

I am doing OMAD now. It was unplanned, but it’s what’s been happening. I was going to do a 48hr, but it’s MUCH harder to me than the 14day!
(5/5/2021) Today’s weigh in was 187.4. -0.5lbs from yesterday. I didn’t get a walk in or any exercise. I was driving for most of it. Hubby made me a large keto on steroids dinner ready when I got home. I did NOT finish eating it. It was too much, but SO friggin’ sweet of him!
I got to sleep at a decent time🥳. Slept ok. It’s cold out this am, but I’m hoping it will warm a bit so I can walk comfortably.

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Hi Annjunie! You work it! You are working it!

Where is your general vicinity? That farm sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of work! I’m jealous - you have chickens and probably lots of eggs! And your own cows - milk? And do you have goats milk and make goat cheese?

I love making things from scratch. I’d be entertained for years at your place.

That’s awesome! And sounds like you will get into your goal range this year and then it’s just maintaining it!

Have a great day today. :grinning:

It’s been a while. Thursday I accidentally got a lot of corn ( known allergen) in my system. I was trying out a new “corn-free” potassium/magnesium. Friday was a repeat due to trying to treat Thursday’s poisoning. I decided to 24hr fast Sat since I was released Friday from hospital. I ended up back in the ER (They’re finally starting to get the corn thing right :tada::star_struck:) Saturday evening after fainting in the store and taking a nasty fall.
There I was told I had long qt. So, I’m being sent to an electrophysiologist. They say it could just be low potassium (it wasn’t “low”, but in the lowest normal range). I was told I’m “drinking too much” which is flushing out my minerals. And because I’m super allergic to corn I have yet to find a safe potassium supplement!
After gaining 2 lbs from corn swelling Saturday morning’s weight was 187.4. This am (Sun May 16) is 185.4.


Anyone tell you how amazing you are today? I had no idea those supplements were derived from corn! Holy cow.

This site may be promising.

It’s tagged corn-free. I’d call them or email to confirm.


Thanks! It was definitely one of my first finds when looking for supplements for my water fast. Unfortunately, most companies, like Woodstock, use the legal corn protein free instead of actual corn free. I just have to up my potassium rich foods intake. I.e. beet greens, clams, avacado, etc (I’m allergic to bananas :joy::sweat_smile:).
You are super sweet for looking out for me though :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck:!


This am weigh in (05/17/2021) 185lbs. I spent most of yesterday in bed sleeping and eating :joy:. I had a ton of carbs since potatoes & oranges are their richest potassium food I currently have in my house. My whole body has been aching so I didn’t need the hospital to tell me my potassium is low. Also, my RO filter broke so until I get it fixed and new filters flushed from their corn I have nothing to drink :sob:. I’m SO done with this week :joy:.
Today will be a repeat of yesterday :pensive:.


@ the Dr again yesterday. 186.6 lbs today yesterday was 186.2lbs. I should be able to get my water system fixed today. That means corn-free water :star_struck::heart_eyes::tada:. :crossed_fingers:just waiting for the last part to show up :slight_smile:. I have reacted to every bottled water I’ve tried so far, but have found I react less to larger containers. I.e. 1-5 gallons.
If I’m going to loose any weight and get all of the corn out of my system and the pain it brings I have to figure out how to stay FAR far away from the ER & hospital.
On a much brighter note… We got family pictures done. That was nice :relieved:. Last time was almost 11years ago :persevere:


186.6lbs again today (5/20/21)
I am SO happy to have safe water again. I’m pretty sure I have not been “poisoned” today :sweat_smile:. I was able to do omad and I’m happy about that! My ketones were only 0.2 and my glucose was 83. That’s the lowest I have ever seen my ketone level. I need to look up to see if it even counts for ketosis. Also today, I was able to have some uncomfortable but necessary conversations with my hubby. I’m grateful that we have learned to communicate with each other, but even more grateful that we have been diligent in practicing it. Now I should be able to function better with regards to food because I lol have a lot less anxiety. I do have a migraine… I think it may be related to my fall Sat because it feels the same and there’s still a lot of pain where I’ve hit my head. Tomorrow will be better :slight_smile:

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(5/21/21) 185.6lbs this am. It’s amazing how quickly the weight comes off without trying when I get my allergens out of my system. I spent the past several days mostly in bed (minus family photo shoot) in pain and feeling sick. I’m going back to bed now :sleepy:. I plan to do an enema today as it has been over a week since anything has passed, my guts hurt, and I know this happens when my guts get swollen from the corn in it :pensive:. I’m just too tired to do it rn.

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Soooo interesting about the corn allergy. I’ve been addicted to corn chips for years and managed to be off them for almost a week (I’m on vaca with my sons to San Fran) and I’m feeling lighter than ever and my face thinned out like crazy !! ? I have always thought I had a corn allergy because of the intense cravings … I got off sugar and wheat and figured I’d be good but corn !! Omg … and it’s in everything !! You said water too?? Unreal … thanks for your post !! So interesting!!

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@Stacia Most cleaners have corn in them and if you’re really sensitive or having a bad allergy day in general you may react to the cleaners that didn’t get washed out of the porous plastic. There’s also plastic derived from corn that’s very popular, Polylactic acid or PLA. I carry my own water in stainless steel and glass bottles and triple rinse them after I’ve washed and rinsed them. Using filtered water (whole house unit for cleaning and bathing and double RO’d for drinking). I also can’t have the added minerals most ROs add. I also use apple cider vinegar instead of regular soap when just washing daily. But I have become super sensitive :pensive: most people aren’t lucky for you :slight_smile:.
I haven’t been tested, but I assumed at first. After a 14 day water fast I decided to do an oral challenge and had an immediate anaphylactic reaction. Before my fast I had so much allergy meds in my system and so much corn in my system I had NO idea how horrible I felt on a daily basis. A day into my fast I felt so much better. I stopped my allergy meds and I could breathe better than before I stopped. Xyzal was what was keeping me alive before my first water fast.

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(5/26/21) 184.8 this am. I had a horrific Friday & Saturday morning allergy wise. So I fasted until Monday. I have to find where the corn is or whatever is getting me!
My insides are still super swollen. I look pregnant :sweat_smile::pensive:. One exposure is probably my cast iron skillet :sob:. My kids have been using it to cook who knows what that is corn filled.

I have to say I thank God I found out about water fasting. I had no idea how amazing my body could feel before doing it for the first time! I had forgotten what not having pain felt like. I cried when I decided to end my first extended fast worried that the pain would start again. It did, but only when I am less careful. And now I know how to stop the pain without corn-filled pain relievers… Water Fasting :star_struck::heart_eyes:.

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Got released from the hospital today. They are getting better at avoiding corn in their medical supplies for me. It’s 6/2/21 I’m around 183.8 . I know I got corn in me today because the new nurse hadn’t been told what to use to flush my IV line for removal and I was finally trusting the staff. They had been sooo careful all week :star_struck:! I now have a severe migraine including nausea. Which would be ok except I haven’t eaten for days… bile doesn’t taste good lol :laughing:.
I’m happy to be home :relieved:. Tomorrow I will cook something I’m not allergic to and this will all be in the past :slight_smile:.

Here’s a pic from family photo shoot. I was about 186lbs here.


6/8/21 178.2lbs ketones 0.9 (not sure why it’s so low :woman_shrugging:t3:). On a happy not I am 3.2lbs from my 1st goal weight. I am also finally below 30bmi. I have lost a total of 196.8lbs. I am super close to a 200lb loss. Mostly thanks to proving food allergies through water fasting and food challenges.
I had been so down these last few weeks. I always get that way when I get corn in my system. I have been on a short extended water fast for a few days now and feel immensely happier.
I know I cannot live on a water fast for the rest of my life, but it would sure make my life easier and happier if I could. I need to buckle down on my food restrictions once I break my fast perhaps I missed some corn biproducts or another allergy. Maybe go on a green smoothie type elimination thing??? Since going into the hospital this last time I’ve been SO tired wanting 12+hours per day. It’s theoretically not sodium. Probably just my immune system working overtime from the corn exposure before and during the hospital stay. I slept from 6pm-6:30 am and am having to fight to stay awake even when actively doing things.


I’m planning to fast again. Haven’t planned how long or exact dates. I just know traveling will be extremely difficult if I’m also trying to eat safely. I can’t seem to make it work at home yet. My travel starts Friday June 25 and ends July 5 or 6 the. It’s not long. I’m thinking if I start fasting on June 23/24 then driving on the 25 I won’t be so crave-y. Then, I can do a 2 week water fast and feel good physically through the whole trip :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Assuming I can find good safe water.
I :two_hearts: love my body! It’s flawed, but magnificently beautiful. I have my skin removal surgery scheduled for Sept. I wish I could do it in July, but I didn’t realize I would need to have a 2nd consult before scheduling :pensive:. C’est la vie :woman_shrugging:t3:

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6-24-21 176.8lbs Ketones 3.1
Started my on 6-22. I feel a lot better today than before the fast! I was able to pack everything for our road trip tomorrow :relieved:. All without cravings :heart_eyes:. I was very sleepy yesterday, but I usually am my first day or two :woman_shrugging:t3:. I plan to continue my fast until July 5th at earliest, but probably until the 6th.
I’m not sure how well I will do this time around only because I have a lot of hiking in the heat planned for this trip. I’m bringing vitamins and minerals, but I’m allergic to them. So they are a last resort item. I pray I don’t need them, but I know I will. Just hope I don’t end up in the hospital again. I wish there was something that severe corn allergic/sensitive people could take for electrolytes and vitamins :sob:. Here’s to a safe & healthy 2 weeks :clinking_glasses::fountain:

6/28/2021 ketones 5.3 glucose 86 weight 171.4lbs
Yesterday was my Birthday. I started this water fast Tuesday the 22nd. I have quite a bit of lower back pain because I haven’t had a BM. Otherwise I feel great. I would have loved to partake of my birthday dinner (Beef Wellington made our allergens free), but knew I’d feel horrible if I did without a refeed first and I’d be hungry all over again… Not worth it!
I need to start thinking and preparing my refeed now so I don’t get too distracted later. I have started to hate food and that is NOT healthy! I will talk to my counselor about that.

started mensus 6/28
6/29 weight 166.2lbs broke fast in evening
6/30 166.8lbs ketones error several times so I quit Glucose 92
I broke my fast last night. My period has been intensely heavy and I am in much higher altitude with severely drier air. Everytime I walk I get a sinus & throat bleed. I’ve also had some bad calf cramping. I am not only ok with the fast break, bit I feel it was the right thing. My body had been asking for food for over 24hrs I was just too scared since I’m not home. We’ll see how the next few days go with refeeding.

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7/2 169.8lbs 92 glu no ketone strips left :expressionless:.
Guess what I ate yesterday… You guessed it.corn derived products.
I wasn’t too careful. I knew breaking my fast would end this way. But again my body told me to end it so I did and I am pleased that I listened to it. Yesterday I felt so alive like while I’m fasting.
I think I’m going to go for a walk to the store. Getting some fresh air will be good and will help in keeping my bowels moving.