ANNA’S 30 DAY FAST- before & after

Thank you, and I’m sorry about the delayed response! Like Alipio said, i haven’t been very active here lately.
I’ve stayed the same weight since the fast, (with the normal water weight fluctuations of course). I’m very conscientious about my behaviours around food and the foods I choose though, to not fall back to the behaviours and the addictive like foods that led me to the depressive place I was in.
I’ve come to realise the fact that I can’t do moderation with those foods, just like an alcoholic can’t have just one glass or try to have the beer but not the vodka.
By only eating whole foods (plant based), I can feel free and not obsess over foods as much.
About the starvation mode, there are some different research about how the body reacts and how quickly it recovers, and I haven’t looked into it very deeply.
But besides hormones, genes and other potential factors, weight loss and restriction results in a lower metabolic rate, which means that you burn less energy in a rested state. That’s why many people regain their weight when they go back to eating like they used to and don’t take that into consideration. Maintainable lifestyle changes are so important, instead of using crash diets that are too difficult long term, and causes you to just go back to what you know.
Since most plant foods eaten in its whole form are fairy low in calorie density, I’m able to eat until satiety without eating above my energy needs. It has worked well for me.
Hope this answer helped!
Take care :blossom:


Thank you Veronica :pray:
I’ve stayed the same weight since the fast. Water fasting can be a great tool as a short cut or a push to a better health, but what’s always more important is what comes after or in-between the fasts to make the changes sustainable and healthy.

My mindset has changed a little since my 30 day fast, and if I were to go back to where I began last year, I wished that I would have focused more on the smaller steps rather than just the prolonged fasting to get quick results. Since I got so overwhelmed about the challenge, I failed so many times at attempting it, and the binging cycle got stronger along the way.

But I finally completed something I didn’t believe I could do, which I’m very happy about!

Hope you’re doing well!

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Like my friend Alipio said, I mainly walked when I had to get somewhere, but I didn’t have energy to do anything intense.

I wouldn’t suggest anyone to do heavier or more intense tasks while doing prolonged water fasting. My energy ran out pretty quickly after!

Take care :blossom:


I am about to start my first 30 day fast. I did a 20 day fast before. My concern towards the end was fiber so i could be more solid and stop the runs. Did any of you try using fiber?

Wow, you look great even your before pics u look fantastic. How did you open your bowels on a fast? that is what worries me the most about doing it. Very proud of you for reaching your goal, so inspiring.

Amazing inspiration. Thank you so much for posting your photos! Your progress makes me feel like I can do this too. I gained 20 kg in my PhD, super stressed some of the time. I am going to fast and then return to my super green diet OMAD or similar to maintain. Take care and so much peace and joy to you.

Wow you did an amazing job, kind of the same situation for me. Is this really your result within this time? Incredible!