Alternate Day Fasting - 1 month from next week, weekdays

Hey everyone,

New here, but not to fasting (have been practicing for years, I do a 5-day fast four times a year). Also I’ve been doing IF every day, with a 6-hour window. I am fit (I run) and my weight is in normal range but I wanna drop around 10lbs (that is still normal range for me).

I had good results in the past with ADF during the week, where I would skip Mon, Wed, Fri. But this was super hard to maintain on my own.

I am looking for one or two people who are on the same journey and want to be accountable together on Telegram or WhatsApp. Anyone interested?

Not sure if ill be any help because i am going to be doing IF for 5 days and eat on sat n sundays. Starting 23rd of may.