Aimon "Papa Fit" Daily Journal

My name is Aimon. I was fairly overweight as a child but went on to play offensive line in high school eventually hitting 300 plus pounds. I lost a majority of this when I started University in a pretty unhealthy manner but kept it off for the most part until I moved to Dubai in 2009 where I fell into bad habits as a stressed and over worked bachelor. I reached probably my highest ever recorded weight of over 330 pounds.

When I married in 2011 I started focusing more on my health. Later I discovered I had fertility issues, partially as a result of my obesity so from then onwards, I was ‘all in’ on healthy living. I managed to reduce and maintain a weight of 200 pounds, mostly through low carb dieting and intermittent fasting (alongside tons of activity like basketball, distance running and weights, I do lift bro). I am now seeking to finally lean out, potentially reaching abs zone although they’ll never show with my loose stomach skin.

I’ve been unemployed/freelancing since July 2020, and I need a goal to keep me motivated and feel like a man since I am not financially providing. My daughter is also growing and I want her to have a good example of a healthy dad. We are also hoping for a second baby, and the more fit I am the higher the chance we have of this.

Long Term and Short Term Goals:
Long term goals for me is to get down to 12-15% body fat and maintain this
Short term goals right now is to reach a sub 80KG weight

What are some struggles you face or you have faced in the past
I am a weekend binger. I need to breakdown and have a dirty fastfood meal every now and then. I generally don’t go too overboard though. I am also Arab and living in the Gulf, the eating and hosting culture is huge here, and sometimes it’s considered rude to turn down food. So that’s always a struggle or balancing act for me.

What is your game plan?
I’ve done intermittent fasting (16/18 hours daily) for years off and on. Recently did a 60 and 90 hour fast and reacted well. I plan to do at least 4 seven day fasts in the next 2 months, and OMAD’s/alternate day fasts in between with a low carb/keto refeed. I will allow occasional dirty days, but only on special occasions with my family.

How do I feel right now?
I feel fine. I like a bit of a challenge/competition, being a former athlete. Quite looking forward to making new friends too as I am quite silly and social.

How will I feel once I achieve my goal?
I think that I would feel accomplished, although I’m old enough to know we are never fully satisfied. I’ll need to find a new outlet and goal afterwards if weight/physique is finally in check.

Daily Affirmation
I have potential. Mama said so.


Welcome to our fasting community @Aimon, I enjoyed reading your story and it is very clear you are a character( a good funny guy). We are all very supportive here, you have achieved so much on your own already, so you will achieve your goals with no problems. Choose when you want to water fast and how long for and start posting. You can also join anyone here fasting for added support also. I have been following the March madness, fasting challenge.
All the best :muscle:t5:


Thank you for the kind words and support. Every bit helps. Keep safe and well sister,


:fire::fire::fire: Aimon on fire !!!


I got this coach. thanks,


Day 1: Energy 10/10. No headaches or weakness. I was very productive, did chest/shoulder/tricep workout, walked 11k steps, and filmed a vlog. Didn’t watch any videos or read today, but there is always tomorrow. Hunger level is pretty high right now though, so I bought fizzy water to make it feel like i’m having a meal or something to do at dinner time.


You have got this. In a few days it will be easier. :muscle:t5:

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Thank you, you are awesome!

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Day 2 was a bit of a nightmare. Low energy all day and had a headache. this turned into a migraine by the evening, felt like vomiting and couldn’t sleep. Eventually drank a diet coke and some bcaa’s (both calorie free) and passed out. woke up 4 hours later feeling great haha. so i broke a little but still live to fight (fast) another day.


Day 3 was much better. I was more active, had tons of energry and just felt good not to have that massive headache. Did a good treadmill inlcine walk, shot some footage for youtube, overall good day. here is a link to my youtube video if anyone is interested in follow:

day 3 vlog for aimon