9/6/2023 fast 40-100 days aiming for 72 hours first

I am starting a fast today, I am aiming for 72 hours the most I have gotten up to is 23 hours before I caved. I am 66 kilos ( 145 lbs) I am aiming for size 12 or 55 kilos ( 121 lbs).
I am going to stick to it this time I have to do this for my health especially to try and reverse type two diabetes, once I finish I want to eat plant-based if I can make it to 40 days then I want to extend it to 100 days. And even maybe longer after that. I don’t get hungry, I haven’t for the past 10 years not sure why but I don’t ever feel hungry or full it’s just the cravings that stop me and get to me. I want to exercise and go to the gym, I have a membership but don’t use it only to access the pools and steam room. I made stickies to help keep me focused and keep on trying.

Yay, I finally made it to my first ever 24 hours of fasting. On day 2 now out of 3. I have tried doing this for several months but couldn’t get past 24 hours. Now I have…woot woot.

I felt tempted to quit and eat pizza with my husband but i stuck to my guns.

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I done 2 days of fasting so far, i am now on my 3rd day, feeling good had a slight headache today but quickly went away. My sugars is 7.8 it is fluctuating I did get it down to 6.6. it’s suppose to sit at 5.9
I am thinking of continuing with the fast after 3 days. Just having toilet troubles i have not opened my bowels in two days. Feeling pretty good and also losing weight i was 66 now i am 64.45

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Makes me want to go find a gym membership with a pool now. lol

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