50 Day - Then 80 Day Water Fast

@waywardcompass Holy crap! What great information!! Thank you so much! I will apply all of this. More to come.

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Day 7 Unchartered territory for me. Not really hungry at all… even though my place is almost devoid of any tempting food…strangely there is this can of wasabi peanuts that I see whenever I am in my kitchen slash bedroom; it is calling my name! I’m beginning to feel that I can actually make it to day 50. The big question is will my energy hold out; or even better, begin to pick up. Mornings are tough. Foggy, tired and no use to me or anyone else until my third cup of coffee. So many addictions!

Even more strangely, today is the first day without (trying not be indelicate here) anything happening in the bathroom realm…you know, number 2. The reality today is that people speak of pooping like they are explaining how they just walked their dog, “I got home from walking Ginger this morning and wouldn’t you know it, such a huge poop! Mine, not Ginger’s.” Not to say that day’s 2 through 5 were memorable in that regard…it was a daily slow procession of eliminating everything up in there. At one point I was expecting to see the small metal Monopoly piece (the Top Hat) that my siblings all claim I ate during a family game in 1967. It was my sister’s piece, not mine (I was the Scottie Dog). Apparently, she had to finish the game as the Thimble, which everyone hated, I’m not exactly sure why. Anyway, things have seemed to have shut down for the season down there. I know its a little gross but I am curious to see what develops.

I’ll keep it short today…now the numbers. I seem to hang on to fat like a I’m trying to win a “Survive the Apocalypse!” game show. Great news if the world goes south in a big way…not so good if your trying to fit into last year’s jeans. I am down another pound or so…so 6lb’s total. Now at 274 and change.

See you tomorrow!

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Here’s a quick read for you:

So, don’t worry about the poop and if/when it happens. And don’t be too surprised when more poop comes out of you even though you go weeks without eating. Stuff still eliminates from your bowels well into a fast. Just not very often. And when the refeed happens, it’s a “holy sh*t” moment, lol, like you’ll want to have that first meal planned out meticulously and be near the bathroom because things sail right on through. It’s wise to research things that will help rebuild your gut biome in a healthy way quickly. Put the wasabi nuts down and step away from the kitchen. :sweat_smile:

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Day 8 of my 50 day fast. This will be a short update. Feeling about the same. Tired, not really hungry. Although like many of you, I do spend some time thinking about the dishes that I wouldn’t mind having right now, thank you very much! I have cut back on my water consumption a little…looking at the color of my urine as a guide. Probably at 2 or 3 liters a day right now. Noticed that my tongue is white and my breath could force a raccoon out of dumpster. Besides that I am simply keeping, keeping on.

Down another .9lbs so about 7 total (below what I see from others) :frowning: So I am at 273. I thought large men lost weight quickly at the start of a fast? Oh well.

See you tomorrow.

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Thank you Jill! This is great information!

Love your posts ! Laughed at the hat/thimbal story :laughing:. Keep going you’re doing great!!!

Thank you Stacia!

Days 9 and 10 Ok I read about this but the only reference to a cause that I remember was kidney flushing… what I’m talking about is debilitating pain (a very strong ache) that begins in my lower back (entire back, not isolated) and radiates down my butt and both thighs. The only time when it doesn’t hurt is when I am standing or walking. Sitting is impossible, lying on either side impossible. I haven’t slept more than maybe 4 hours in the last 48. No fever. Heat and hot showers help a little. Ibuprofen does little… but I have this thing (reddish hair Neanderthal DNA thing) where pain-killers and other drugs don’t do a thing. Dentists need to double up on Novocain with me and I have woken up more then once during oral surgery.

I cant imagine that this is fast related but I can’t think of anything else. I do have a bad back history but it has never manifest like this. I have been drinking about 2 to 3 liters of water a day…with occasional sodium and potassium. I also take magnesium. I think I will break the fast simply to see if it makes a difference. I have tons of work to do on the computer today (yes, I know its Memorial Day)…

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. PS… this started at day 6 or 7 but became much worse day 8 and 9.


Hello Justin, I have had that same thing happen when I guit all my junk foods and eat healthy … it’s just throbbing non stop lower back and back of legs (front too but mostly the back)… it scared me the first time it happened. Funny you mention this, I’ve been reading on lactic acid … I’m wondering if your body is purging lactic acid/toxins … it goes away for me after a few days but it’s bad when going through it !! Hang in there and do what you gotta do for sure to function and work but leave out the shit food so you keep moving forward …:slight_smile: Great job so far!!! Keep going !!

Ok - I think I figured this out… some, many actually have documented the same problem the same back, butt, legs…intense pain. It is excessive lactic acid build up… lactic acidosis. Due to the rapid shift to fat mobilization and the massive production of ketones. I did break the fast this morning in an attempt to try something, anything. It did provide relief eventually (many hours later) as I moved out of ketosis. I found multiple real life stories and research that identified the problem and the solution. In my case I was exacerbating the issue:

  • Drinking lowish PH water, Perrier and my tap water both with a PH of about 5.5 (7 is base)
  • Drinking way too much black coffee in said tap water with a PH of 5.0 or less
  • I need to exercise more to release and lactic acid build up

I will start my fast again, right now. My low PH water has been replaced with Essentia. My 6 cup a day black coffee habit with green tea, made in the Essentia water. I will also have Baking Soda on hand if and when the symptoms reoccur. 1 to 3 teaspoons in water seems to do the trick. More to come.

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Day 11 Another night of lower back, butt and thigh pain…took lots of baking soda in water which only mildly helped. Finally fell asleep at 2:30 AM sitting in a chair, lying down was impossible. Woke at 5:30AM. I am on maybe 6 hours sleep the last 3 days. Horrible. At this point, I don’t care if I eat or fast…I need to fix this problem.

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@Justin, so sorry to hear things are painful for you! Sounds like you’ve done thorough research to understand the cause of the pain, and how you might help things naturally. We are with you however you can move forward through this!


Not even sure what day this is… This has certainly been a kick in the gut. I am on about the 4th night of a very little sleep with my aforementioned aches and pains. Last night was a little better, about 4 hours between a recliner and my bed. Still lots of theories as to what/why this is. From a massive dump of ketones that create lactic acidosis to major detox and leaching of bad stuff happening causing pain and discomfort. If I had to pick one, my money is on the former. Maybe the fact that I recently quit drinking contributed to the mess. Unfortunately for those that are prone to experience these lower body muscle aches… it comes back, albeit increasingly less severe, every time a certain fasting window is reached. Like anyone at the end of a painful or debilitating episode…my head is at the “I never want to go through that again…” place.

What’s sad for me is I didn’t expect physical issues to be a factor… I am as healthy as a horse and in no way feel my age (well, not before this). I was actually really loving the not eating part, the weight loss, the time and money it saved me. To be honest, I am too tired to even think about eating right now… but I am afraid not to eat because of what I just went though. It has also been difficult to explain to co-workers why my work has suffered the last four days. I definitely do not want any sympathy but I really don’t feel comfortable telling folks that I fasted for 10 days and my body decided that it had other plans. So I can’t think about next steps before I get a single pain free nights sleep. I am hoping that will be tonight.


Have you tried the Benadryl idea yet? It works for me. I wish I knew what was causing your issues. I wonder if there is a way to find a doctor who promotes the fasting lifestyle to look into your pain?

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Hi there… I haven’t yet. I need to get to the store and get some later today. Even though I work for a Medical School, I don’t have a whole lot of trust in mainstream medicine when it comes to things like fasting, the keto diet, etc. maybe things are changing.

Definitely agree. Seems like the medical community requires a grand total of 15 minutes of nutrition training in order to stick letters onto the end of their names.

Listen to your body though. If breaking the fast helped your symptoms, it might be worth reassessing your fasting schedule. You should feel hungry, but not sick or in pain.

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