432 Hour/ 18 Day Water Fast Daily Journal

DAY 1 - Sept/22
SW: 198 lbs (89kg)
GW:170 lbs (77kg)
UGW: 130 lbs (59kg)

This will be the longest fast I’ve attempted to date. I completed a 7 day fast in July and lost about 14 lbs and kept it off for a couple of weeks. However, due to some unfortunate events and major life changes, I gained it all back over a 4-week period (from mid August to mid September).

Now that I’m in a more stable situation, I’m going to lose all of the weight and get to an even larger milestone of 18 days compared to just 7. The goal is to get from 198, past 184(previous lowest weight) and into the 170s, with my ultimate goal being in the low 130s. My specific goals for this fast are to lose between 25 to 28 lbs over the next 3 weeks. I know that I’ll regain after the fast but I plan on doing keto and OMAD (after Canadian thanksgiving) as well as start a fitness regimen. If by December I can lose another 20-30 pounds, it would be a dream come true and I would be even closer to my end goal!

Now that I’ve taken control over my life, I want my body to reflect this improved state of being I’m living in.


You should join our Solstice challenge! Just started!

Welcome, Rae!

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Thank you!

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Day 2 - Down to 196.6 lbs from 199-198 lbs.

I know that I’m not really hungry yet but the desire to eat is still really strong. Over the past few weeks I used food to cope with my emotional trauma and binge ate nearly every day. It got really bad and I gained over 15 lbs in one month, which made me feel even worse. I really want to kick this habit and stop feeding into my addiction as I know that it will only cause me more grief in the future.

Cheering you on and will be joining you, I hope for great results for us both :grin:

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Awesome! Thank you for your support! It really means a lot! :blush:

Day 3 - Down to 194lbs from 199 lbs

It’s been a tough couple of days in terms of work, school and other responsibilities. My willpower to continue the fast has definitely been tested as I eat when I get stressed and/or frustrated.

The fridge in my apartment is getting replaced so I can’t even buy food anyways! The weekend will be the hardest for me as I’ll only have school to keep me busy. Definitely feeling tired but I somehow have the energy to do the things I need to do, even though I’m probably not in ketosis yet!

Hopefully day 4 brings in better results since I’m doing better at keeping hydrated and sleeping as much as possible.

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Being at Day 3, you are very likely in ketosis. You can get ketosis “pee” strips at the drugstore and check. It’s not 100% accurate but will give you an idea of where you are in ketosis.

Day 3 is tough, glad you made it through!


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Yeah I’ve heard of those! They’re definitely something I should invest in in the future. Yeah day three is tough but thankfully I’ve gone through this before, otherwise I would’ve already quit! :joy:

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Quick confession. I hate drinking water. I grew up cronically in a state of dehydration and mostly drank juice and iced tea (I don’t even know how I survived). Now I think my body holds on to water like crazy because of that and I never feel thirsty. I’ve been trying to get better with it and used to drink a lot of sparkling water and sweetner drinks but since I moved I only have access to the plain stuff. Any tips? I basically dry-fasted these past few days and it’s been super challenging.

Day 4: Down to 190 lbs from 199lbs

Lots of progress on day 3, almost a 4 pound difference! Looking forward to being in the 180s again. Haven’t been at that weight in over a month!

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Congrats on the drop! Best part of all the hard work is seeing that number move!

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Yes! It’s super motivating!

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Made it into the 180s again at 189 lbs :partying_face:. Just 10 more lbs to go and I’ll be in the 170s ! :triumph:

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Even though I’m only days away from my goal, it’s so tempting to just give up and order food.:pensive: I live alone and don’t live near any of my friends so it’s been lonely. Comfort eating for stress and anxiety has always been my go to for keeping negative thoughts at bay. But fasting makes me feel everything. I have to constantly remind myself that food is not my friend and that take out is a waste of hard-earned money :sob:

Day 5: Down to 186.6 lbs from 199 lbs
Total lost so far: -12.4
Hours passed: 111
16.6 lbs till goal weight

Another 3.4 lbs down. I guess I’ve been holding on to a lot of water weight. I look forward to getting down to 183 and beyond. My goal for today is to drink a lot more water. Not seeing a lot of noticeable progress in the mirror but at 180lbs I will record my body measurements.

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Not feeling well at all today so I’ll be breaking the fast. In a day or two I’ll get back on track and work towards my goal of finishing 432 hours and hopefully getting into the 170s. It’s just unfortunate that a lot of stressful things have pushed me to my limit. I will try to fast for another 14 days after this to finish it off but I might need to take another break in between. Five to six day intervals seem to work best for me.

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Day 1: 187.6 lbs (85 kg)
SW: 198 lbs (89 kg)
GW: 170 lbs (77 kg)
UGW: <130 lbs (58 kg)
I think that the last fast was unsustainable due to how little water I was drinking. It was basically a dry fast and probably was the cause of most of the stress and discomfort I had felt. I don’t even feel well, 12 or so hours after that last meal and will probably jump right back into another 5 to 6 day fast. As well, I think that I have to time the start of the fast in order to optimize my chances of success. Let’s see how much of a difference it’ll make by starting on a Sunday instead of a Tuesday.

Oct 19 to Nov 6 (might extend)
SW: 198.6 lbs

This time will be a bit different as my financial situation has changed. Made sure that there was no food in the appartment and that the next few paycheques will go to bills. It’s sad that I don’t have the discipline to not rely on food for comfort but I will do everything that I can to prevent myself from caving in a second time.


Practice that Fasting muscle!

You got it this time.