40 Fast : Starting New Year's Resolution Early

Day 19 completed, 19 hours into day 20

Not much happened today, just had a lot of water and watched Spartacus.

475Hrs out of 960Hrs completed : ~49.5% completed

Thank you! I’ll post before and after pics once I’m done; I took the before pics on the first day

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That’s awesome! I didn’t know that fasting could help with pregnancy or labor; very interesting.

Thank you!

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I highly recommend reading fasting can save your life by Dr Herbert Shelton.


Day 20 completed, 18 hours into day 21

Not the best day, but my resolve is stronger than ever.

498Hrs out of 960Hrs completed : ~51.9% completed


You are doing awesome!!! I’m currently on day four of at least a 7 day fast. However I want to go until my blood sugars reach 85 and hold for at least 24 hours. Exercise speeds this process up but I haven’t tried to exercise while doing an extended fast. Any thoughts, or attempts?

Today is going pretty smooth for me. It’s like I’ve completely lost the taste for food. Man I’ve missed extended fasting. This may very well become a 14 day fast


Day 21 completed, 23 hours into day 22

Pretty relaxing day; played video games and hung out with some friends.

527Hrs out of 960Hrs completed : ~54.9% completed

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I didn’t really exercise much during the fast because it causes the body to break down muscle for energy instead of fat. However, I’ve done some pullups a few times, though I doubt that matters much since it was so few and infrequently. That said, a lot of people have kept exercising for 10-14 day fasts, so I assume it’s fine to do so.

Honestly, I doubt I’ll do an extended fast again just because I miss food so much; I’ll probably stick to 1-3 day fasts after this.

The fast will be worth it, hope you get your blood sugars to the levels you’re looking for!


So far they are coming down. Today they have made it to the 80’s so hopefully we will be all good soon on eating days too. I may switch to a 5 day fast at the end of each month, because this is getting tough for simply missing food

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Day 22 completed, 20 hours into day 23

Relaxing day, didn’t do much. Not ready to go back to work tomorrow, but it was a nice break :slight_smile:

548Hrs our of 960Hrs completed : ~57% completed

I know how that feels; I can’t wait to make myself a nice pork belly dish!

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Yeeeees I’m going to make a yummy keto pot roast! So so looking forward to that

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Day 23 completed, 21 hours into day 24

Day started out with some nuisance, but I got some good work done.
Not bad overall.

573Hrs out of 960Hrs completed : ~59.7% done


Day 24 completed, 17 hours into day 25

Was not feeling well at all today. Lot’s of discomfort and felt like I was going to keel over.
Had extremely low energy and it was interfering with my work; I have too many overlapping tasks with high stakeholder attention right now…
I’m going to see how I feel tomorrow and decide on what I’m going to do.

593Hrs out of 960Hrs completed : ~61.8% completed

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Try some electrolytes!!!

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Day 25 completed, got 5 hours into day 26

I stopped the fast today. My mental focus and clarity weren’t holding up even while taking electrolytes.
I’m happy with getting to day 25.

605Hrs out of 960Hrs completed : 63% completed at end

I’ll make a post with my before and after pictures tomorrow when I have some time, gotta pull another all-nighter today.

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I wonder if rinsing with baking soda water or brushing/scaping tongue with baking soda is helpful when brushing our teeth? Idk I am just exploring this fasting/detoxing world myself maybe starting today or tomorrow or By Monday no later. Wondering fasting/detoxing with deactivated charcoal, zeolites and/or DE since I have 4 old almagam fillings my Natropathic Doctor said no need to with supplements I am going to use. Any thoughts anyone :thinking:!