35 day water fast journal

Hello! I am new to this forum but not new to water fasting - have done many 14/21 day fasts and a few 28/30 days. I think the longest fast I’ve done before is 33 days, which was challenging! Aiming for 35 this time, taking me up to 2nd April. I plan to break the fast briefly, then follow it fairly quickly with a 21 day fast (or as close to 21 days as possible) up to 23rd April.

Started today - weighed in at 64.3kg, which was a bit of a shock! My height is 161cm (around 5’3). Would love to get down close to 50kg by 2nd April and 48kg by 23rd.

Today has been pretty easy so far, had a heavy day of eating yesterday and haven’t been hungry today. I know from experience that that will change quickly!


Wishing you success. I will follow your progress :pray:t4:

Day 2

Weight: 60.5kg
Total loss: 3.8kg

Big weight drop overnight - pleased but not completely surprised, knew I was holding a lot of water yesterday. Feeling fine, plenty of energy and not too hungry. Need to focus on getting in enough water today.

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Coming to the end of day 2. Struggled a bit more this afternoon, feeling slightly nauseous and very hungry. Feel quite daunted when I think about the time remaining, trying to focus on the here and now.

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How are you feeling? I started my 3 day (baby steps) water fast yesterday and around hr 18 O started feeling a hole in my stomach, followed by nausea and cold so I broke my fast, recharged physically and mentally and re-started at 3pm yesterday. I feel I was dehydrated and tired so, will make sure to get PLENTY of rest and hydration (water + electrolytes).
How are you doing?

Day 3

Weight: 59.3kg
Loss since yesterday: 1.2kg
Total loss: 5kg

Feeling ok this morning, slept well last night. Slight headache but not too nauseous. Still a bit daunted by length of fast ahead of me but pleased to have completed two full days so far.

Finding things tougher as the day is passing - very hungry, feeling weak and low on energy. Struggling to focus at work. Have heard things get easier after day 4 (tomorrow) so hoping that turns out to be true for me. Setting an interim weight loss goal of 57kg by Monday which I hope will keep me on track. 1.5 litres of water so far today.

Day 4

Didn’t get a chance to weigh myself this morning as was rushing to leave for work. Will do tomorrow. Feeling fine, was worried that work would be challenging but actually the distraction is helping. Slept well and woke up feeling rested and calm. Felt a bit weak on the walk to work (2 miles) but this soon passed.

Day 5

Weight: 58.2kg
Loss since last weigh-in: 1.1kg
Total loss: 6.1kg

Weight loss slowing down to around 0.5kg/1lb a day, as I would expect. If I can keep up this rate of weight loss I should be able to meet my interim target of 57kg by day 9 :slight_smile:

Day 6

Weight: 57.9kg
Loss since last weigh-in: 0.3kg
Total loss: 6.4kg

Slept well but have woken up with a slight headache and groggy feeling. Quite low on energy, light headed and starting to get an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

Day 7

No weight today as away from home. Feeling quite light-headed and low on energy, and I notice I am more irritable with friends/family. Not much sleep last night - few hours. Will probably weigh again day after tomorrow.

Day 8

Not much to report, still can’t weigh in as no access to scales until tomorrow. Tongue is very coated and I feel quite nauseous.