35 day water fast, accountability post!


Just here to keep myself accountable and look for accountability buddies as well! Will be posting everyday.

I’m using the Fasting Tracker app and will go until March 22 (It’s February 15). My goal is to lose 40lbs. I’ve done extended water fasting before (but only for 3-5 days).

Hi I am Cienna and I have a pretty severe food addiction. I like to eat all the time, and can’t tell the difference between head and actual hunger. Only time I can break my addiction seems to be during a fast. My issue then however is ignoring the actual hunger of the first 3 days and keeping it pushing.

I am doing this because summer is coming up and I want to feel confident in my body. I love being active, I love swimming and running and dancing and biking and hiking and etc etc, but doing it all in an obese body is really tough. I’m (usually) pretty good at maintaining once I get to a certain weight (my highest was 255 at 5’5 as a slightly younger teen than I am now, I’m now 200 through low carb + 3 day fasts), its getting to that weight that’s always been tough.

Long Term and Short Term Goals:
Long term goals is to be 120lbs eventually.
Short term goals right now are to get 155-165lb range. I just want to feel comfortable in my body again.

** What is your game plan?**
I did keto + 3 day fasts to get from 255 to 180 (-75 pounds) over the course of 6 months, but gained back 20lbs from getting severely off track. Now I plan to fast until I get to 160, which I think should take me about 35 days since I’m starting from a higher weight.

How do I feel right now?
I feel anxious about resisting temptations and staying on track. I’m excited to not have to think about food and binge every night and wake up feeling bloated and miserable. Honestly I can’t wait to get past the first 5 days and get tot he point where I’m no longer hungry!

How will I feel once I achieve my goal?
I think it would feel amazing to set my heart to something and actually have achieved it. I would be 95 pounds down from my highest weight in just a year and a half. I would honestly just feel extremely proud of myself. I’m really excited to get there!


day 1 done! Feeling pretty good and got a lot of work done today. Excited for tomorrow and hope it’s not too bad. End of day 2/beginning of day 3 is when I usually quit but that’s not going to be the case this time!


you got this!


Thank you! Pushing through!


End of day 2! Been very difficult today, not due to cravings but because I feel very weak and tired and have just slept most of the day and have fallen behind on a lot of my work. I’m also having issue getting enough water in. Also started going down a rabbit hole of the safety of fasting for long periods of time, but I’m determined to push through, I know my body well and its limits. I’m young, completely healthy aside from obesity, and have a lot of fat stored up. I know I’ll be fine. Excited to get over this slump and start feeling good again.


the longest i’ve ever fasted was 7 days. but i know people who have done much longer. I would make sure to get enough salt and potassium. i was already pretty healthy and fit when i did the 7 day fast and legit lost like 15 pounds lmao


Yes I just started taking potassium and magneisum pills as well as salt because I was feeling like passing out every time I got up. Wow 15 pounds in 7 days! I would love that. I’m 200lbs right now and I’m planning to fast until I get to 160lbs which I think will take about 35 days. Right after, I will then do OMAD keto with soup and a protein for a months straight, and hopefully only regain about 5 pounds. Then my goal is to just maintain for at least 7 months before trying again to lose more weight.

I’m also not doing a pure/clean water fast right now (I’m planning on drinking tea and 10 calories or less energy drinks) because I need the caffeine and I’m doing this solely for weight loss, so 10 calories won’t really make a difference (I hope).


If all you’re trying to lose is 40 pounds, I think you will lose that WAY before 35 days but I could be wrong. And no, 10 calories isn’t going to make a difference at all. I drink drinks with calories all day but still am getting into ketosis as well as autophagy. If you stay like around 300 or less calories a day you will shred the weight. I just drink liquids on fasts. Since I work from the computer I get bored as hell without sipping on something throughout the day.


This is so encouraging! I’m glad to hear that. Autophagy is also big reason I’m doing this, so I hope I have similar results. What day of your fast are you on?


In 6 hours I’ll be done with 2 days! I tried everything to make fasts work on my own. But this accountability forum has been the missing piece I needed. It’s tough fasting when you have no accountability because literally you come up with any excuse to eat. Oh it’s a holiday, or it’s the weekend, or I’ll make up for it tomorrow.


Hello everybody!
I would like to join in to be supportive and for support! I have been doing intermittent fasting for weight loss and to see if it would get rid of lipomas–it has softened some of the lipomas, but they have not dissolved completely. David on youtube had over 100 and got rid of them all with water fasting for 28 days. Another guy got rid of them doing keto without dairy, and a ridiculous amount of cycling each day. I did get rid of some during a 7 day water fast in 2012. Since then, I have accumulated so much more due to lack of exercise from 2017-2022, and too much alcohol, too much stress. I have over 100 lipomas now. One is on my back and is affecting nerves to my arm now. Sometimes I get one where I have run into something. So my main goal is to dissolve these toxic fat deposits, and I know losing weight will be a part of that. And ultimately I want to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. I will be 50 this July and I need a major overhaul!
I have decided to start on the new supermoon on Monday. I expect to need at least 21 days for this, but I will go as long as I can or until my body says it is done. Love to hear your thoughts on all of this. Have a great day!


I’d say is before you start your fast make sure to commit to a specific amount of days. I wouldn’t go into it with the approach of doing it as long as you can because you’ll legit give up with the slightest excuse. For example, if your family is having a celebration, or it’s a holiday, or it’s the weekend, or literally whatever. Maybe because you did a 7 day fast already, you instead commit to a 14 day fast. Then after 14 days do like 3 - 4 days of eating, and then do another 14 day fast. Idk your tolerance tho for eating. Like if you can do 21 days all in a row then I’ll be your number 1 supporter. Just my thoughts tho! Honestly me personally, I eat out of boredom. If I can fill my day with stuff to do I can fast a lot easier. So that’s another tip. I have a sit down job so it’s tough to fast when you’re bored sitting all day so I make sure to get up and walk around VERY frequently throughout the day so I don’t get bored or want to watch a video and get food, etc.

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Hey everyone! I’m starting tomorrow (Monday 20th of Feb 2023) and remembered about this forum! If I’m not wrong, @tohike123, is tomorrow the super moon? You mentioned it and starting tomorrow so we’ll be same day starting buddies too! I plan to go at least 21 days as well. I’m 45 in May and like you am needing a total overhaul as well! We got this!!!

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I hear ya, Jesse! I do think 21 days is my main goal for general cleansing purposes. I have to sip on stuff all day, too. I am going to be drinking Bojenmi “dirt tea” cuz that is what it tastes like, and Egyptian licorice tea and my favorite Fez green tea once in a while. And electrolyte powder and water with himalayan salt. Helps so much with lightheadedness.

Hey! I think the peak was last night? Or today? I read different things on different calendars, but it is 2/20 now and I have officially started!!! How about you?