25/06/2023 fasting 100 days starting of with 8 days

I am fasting again not sure for how long as long as I can get away with not eating I suppose. I brought an scent water bottle it has pods filled with scents and helps u to drink more water which is working for me normally I drink Pepsi Max like it’s going out of fashion.
I am 64.85 kilos ( 142.9 lbs). Aiming to get to 55 kilos ( 121.2 lbs). Or want to get to a size 12 like I was many moons ago over 20 years ago now
Here are some pics of my front, side, and face. plus sticky notes which I have up on my wall to help inspire me to keep going.

I tried a fast yesterday and made it to about 19 hours before I caved in. I am going to try and attempt an 8 day fast. Then continue on if i can complete it. Wish me luck.