21 days water fast (Jan-Feb 2022)

Hi, am new here too. I have been trying to do water fast on off for a while, I usually set myself a target of 7 days or 15 days or 30 days and usually fail with 3 days or 5 days or 9 days at max of water fasting. I have once done a successful water fast for 21 days 6 years back when I was heavy and lost significant weight and stayed fit and slim for 4y, but during my final year exam, lots of exam stress got to me and I stress ate like anything and I gained weight and now am trying again to lose weight again and to quit binge eating/snacking so water-fast will be really beneficial for me to develop the discipline too.

I have started my water fast again in December, 2021 and failed after 3 days, I want to do a one continuous water fast for 15 days or 21 days before January ends.

I would like an accountability partner as well so we can keep each other motivated and accountable whenever we feel urge to give up the fast.

Let me know if any of you are interested, we can start together.


Hi. I am Inma. I did 45 days water fast a few years ago. The last two years i put a lot of weight and i feel I need to do something. I need suport because I dont know if this time i can do It again…but need for my health and my healing a 45 days fat. If you want, I can be your partner. I live in Spain and for me will be a pleasure being your mate to do this… i just start now, Sunday evening in south of Europe. I want to lose 70 pounds. I know I will need 2 fast…this just the begining


Hi Inma, I understand, 45 days of water fast is really an applaudable feat, great!

I have had past success too and have been trying too for like a year now with on/off and couldn’t successfully pull off another 21 days fast, people around me aren’t supporter of water fast and the accountability partner I have around me are also not big fans of water fast and they don’t relate or understand about it enough to keep me on track.I think we could do better when we are fasting with someone who understands water fasting well and who have done it. So I think it will be perfect if you can join me.

Can we do this co-fasting and accountability over email? Kindly share yours if you are okay with it, and my email ID is: Bridgekode@gmail.com

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Hello, looking to start this but shooting for 5 days first. Can we do together or How do I find someone who just started?

I am looking for an accountability partner. Let me know

Hi there,
My email is brijade899@gmail.com i am starting today 11th of January. Trying to aim for 100 days but going to see if i can get to 40 first. Feel free to email me, i already feel like quitting cos of the yummy foods im missing out on. n its only been over an hour lol.