2:5 with weekly weight updates. Follow my journey with me

Well I’m back on adf because it’s my favorite style of fasting. My goal is 180. Once I hit my goal I’m doing a 14 day fast. Then I’ll be getting pregnant after the refeed window. As long as God wills it.

Soooo starting weight last Sunday: 242
This Sunday 9/3/2023: 229.0

09/10/2023: 231.2 I didn’t do so good on my eating days this week. So I expected weight gain. I’m doing a 3 day fast to make up for it. 09/11/2023 planning to do 2:5 fasting style eating days are Sunday and Thursday. I think I can manage this strictly if I realllly give it my all.

09/17/2023: 221.7 nearly 10 pounds in one week, super happy with my results. If things go as planned in another 2 weeks (counting this current week) I’ll be half way to my goal.