Terry's 30 day + water fast journal

Ok. May 18th…new fast for as yet to be determined length. Time to mentally prepare and thats almost 1 month before my sons bday & fathers day when it will likely be a cheat meal of some kind. I’m looking forward to seeing if what I’ve learned through the last one has been of benefit when put to the test!

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Kind of glad I didn’t drop weight last night as my OMAD today is bacon slices…and keto cheesecake & strawberry puree’! Not that it doesn’t fit my keto lifestyle or I wouldn’t eat it. But its a mental thing. How can cheesecake be ok? But it is indeed. Realized this morning I’m starting to eat too fast again so need to be more mindful of that. My ex mentioned a 20 second between bites rule. Seems like an eternity. Otherwise, nothing much going on except thinking about my next fast. Looking forward to it knowing what I know now. This time will tell me if all the things I was throwing at the fast…laxatives, sleeping aids, painkillers, a variety of teas, proton pump inhibitor were causing my stomach ache that made it very difficult and cut short my attempt to go 30 days. That being said, I’m not shooting for a specific length of time beyond 5 days. I am committed to 5 day increments as I want the benefit of autophagy, I don’t want the pressure of “do a 30 day fast”.

I will feel under enough pressure worrying about money & finding a job. In a way I’m more concerned at this point not working & going stir crazy. I will take walks every day I can but I need to avoid anything that costs me money to do. I don’t have any friends or a partner to hang with, while I wish dearly I had a dog for company, it would be irresponsible for me to do so given my financial situation. I’ve done volunteerism and it just isn’t my thing. I start to feel I should start getting paid for my time when I’ve done it in the past.

The most frustrating thing for me when I look for jobs is my limitation to do a many jobs due to my fractured vertebrae. its a funny story in a weird way to tell, but in 1993 I fell backwards off a stage onto a concrete floor. In the process I twisted my body involuntarily & tore a lower back muscle on the right. It seemed to get better quickly & I was young & strong. As it turned out the event I was at, in spite of how big & well funded it was, the biggest agriculture & rancher event of the year, had no liability insurance. I should have sued and it would have secured my financial future but I was advised at the time it would really not look good for my employer to do so…and I was a good little worker bee, loyal to a fault…and I was feeling fine, right? Well, after I lost my 32 yr career in broadcasting, I would try jobs that I thought I would enjoy due to my personal passions. I am handy at plumbing, small electrical, carpentry…a lot of trades that I had taken pleasure in doing as I guess you would call a hobby…not a 40+ hour a week job though. And every time I tried to make a job out of it, my upper back would get worse day by day. So finally in 2015, I got fed up with it and asked my dr to figure out what was wrong. xrays were taken and to my shock, my dr says, when did you break your back? I said I didnt know I had! He said I had broken 3 vertebrae! Old injury so I knew right away that fall 25 yrs ago had a hidden effect I wasn’t aware of. So when I try to be too long on my feet especially coupled with repetitive activity, my nerves get irritated from the rough edges of the fractured vertebrae. What can be done about it, even back then except don’t do activities that cause the irritations. Frustrating as there are tons of decent paying labour jobs. Hell, I would enjoy landscaping work seasonally & there are tons of those jobs available, but I can’t do them:(

Anyway, jobs, what to do with my time are very much on my mind. I NEED another fast, I think to focus my thoughts on.

Have a great weekend!


Enjoy following your posts. I think a lot of people, myself included, can relate to feeling lonely and emptiness in life at points. Dogs are great company, but a lot of work and costly as you said. I’m grateful that my mom moved into the apartment next to mine with our dog in February, so I’ve been enjoying going on walks with them each day - something I never did before. I couldn’t see myself wanting the responsibility of one on my own, despite being 32 years old haha.

I would say laxatives would be the cause of your upset stomach on your last fast. Was there a reason you were taking them despite not eating? Wouldn’t there be nothing to be getting rid of?

Enjoy your OMAD today - perfect sweet and salty/combo!

Thank you for the inspiring post:) I have IBS and had feared constipation especially during the fast as I thought it would be extremely painful. I had been taking laxatives for awhile before the fast with no apparent ill effects so I didn’t consider it to be an issue and was unaware of the main negative consequences.

After 19 days of fasting there was still material being expelled, which might speak to many years of unhealthy eating. And it surprised me too. Also because historically even without laxatives I am very “regular”.

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stuck at 234.2. Can’t believe stuck again already. A test of will power & perseverance, if nothing else. Commits me even more to the idea of fasting again starting in about 1 week. Speaking of being stuck, I’ve been some reading on this notion of “carb confusion”. the idea being you vary your carb intake frequently (I assume staying under a max number.) One article I’ve read suggested for example…one day 10g, next day 20, next day 10 again. I call bs as I’ve done with no result. Now what about if you jumped 10 to 75-100 and back? Tried that too. I gained 2 lb after a 90g night then took 3 lb to get back down (and yes I stayed in keto). All its proof to me of is that everyone is different!

Tried my low carb creamy crab (or shrimp in my case salad) as my meal today. A decent companion to a main or as a dip, but not as a meal. Just too much cheese, mayo & sour cream. I am having steak tomorrow with that on the side. Plus I find an iceberg lettuce salad to be as or more satisfying (I like the crunch), cheaper and faster to prepare. Ah well. 4 out of keto recipes have been a success. Not bad for a guy who hates to cook. Lol.

One of my most difficult challenges starts tomorrow. First week of unemployment in almost 3 years. I bought my daughter some used Adirondack (Muskoka in Canada?) wood chairs and I’m excited to get together with them to refinish them. Hopefully this week. Then week after, back to fasting. Meanwhile carefully & selectively applying for jobs. I’ve applied for a few that I thought I had a good chance at. Surprisingly no response. On the other hand, my broadcasting career is 1 of 3 positions on there and its obvious by my tenure, I’m a mature worker. But I’m not going to hide it. And its the most impressive part of my employment history. Its a bit of a test of a potential employer too. If they don’t see value in that or are willing at least to ignore my obvious age as a factor, I don’t want to work for them anyway!


Weight down 1lb to 233.2. I hope by end of the week to break 230. If I can do 1lb ever 2nd day I’ll be there but giving the stalls I seem to get that might not be realistic. ah well, down is better than up right?

Almost one week after making it then throwing it in the freezer, I had my most anticipated meal of the week…my thrown together keto coconut chicken & celery. The flavour? Was spectacular. Already thinking of variations of it. Shrimp…or thin cut beef…and sesame seeds. I keep thinking peanuts or cashews too. Was tempted to add a 1/4 cup. Maybe on a more relaxed carb day once I get to my weight goal but at this point I want to keep it to 10ish grams for the day. Very proud of this dish as a chinese food keto option.

As I have 230lb in my sights it brings many feelings and memories. In my last, less than educated weight push down to 230, I stalled for days at that number & plain gave up. I didn’t think about it until now but maybe my subconscious planned the fast to coincide with getting to and fighting through that number? Anyway…I will not give up this time!!!

The far more memorable and enjoyable thoughts are of my 2014 Maui trip. Going into it I had fasted & got down to 220 stabilized before I left. I pretty much did it by force of will and severe calorie deficit. I wasn’t working and just lay on the couch and remember being so weak & tired. I slept on & off all day, watching tv. I was single as I am now. I don’t recall being motivated by any desire to “look better for the beach” that I recall. I had been travelling on & off for 2 years at that time & was pretty depressed & mentally close to my darkest point. It was June 2014 and I was about 1 month away from my intent to end my life. And 5 weeks in Hawaii, my vision of paradise was meant to be my last hurrah! And what an experience it was. Here are my memories…

I went to Maui…alone and spent 1 month there, 1 week on the Big Island. Here are my memories.

-I stayed this time on the southeast side of the Island, closer to the homes & services the residents enjoy…way more condos for visitors, no hotels to speak of unlike the west side. Much more enjoyable for me. My first condo was soooo hot for me! Window AC only, ceiling fan in the bedroom. I remember I ended up sitting on the beach at 2, 3am every night cause I couldn’t sleep. It was right across the street. I remember the gentle breeze ever present in Maui that made 26-28C tolerable outside. Then first full day there, I drove to Walmart & bought a box fan…and a bathroom scale. Lol.

3 days later I moved into my more pleasant condo rental. Central air, right off the ocean, new appliances & everything & unlike the first one, down the road from the main area by design especially because it was far enough for a good walk in the morning to get a Mcdonalds coffee & a newspaper (which in spite of my extensive use of my phone to read books, has always been a treat to read a US newspaper, local preferred if it was a good one, in my hotel travelling for work over coffee & a room service breakfast). Yet, it was so close no temptation to take my rental car. Highlights of my Maui trip were:

-Snorkeling with huge turtles at a black sands beach, especially a treat because it seemed to be little known by tourists.

-That every day walk to get the paper & a coffee which turned into a daily breakfast at Dennys. What I love about this Denny’s was I always picked an outside table so I could see the ocean, the beach & the locals surfing & wakeboarding before work…and I’d be eating a birds nest breakfast…bacon, hash browns & 2 eggs nestled in the hollow of a croissant (the nest). I would read my paper, enjoy breakfast, a few cups of coffee and think, I could do this everyday for the rest of my life. Sigh.

-I remember this young guy who looked like Tom Hanks in Castaway. Dirty all over, long hair & beard. I would see him walking day & night, sometimes with a shopping cart full of junk he’d picked out of garbages. And he always had garbage bags tied to his feet. And one to his body in the evening. I remember he smelled, but he was a local fixture of Maui like the naked cowboy in NY city. I saw him on my first trip in 2009 & everyday in 2014!

Thx to the tons of walking I did (minimum 20,000 steps per day) I would eat my big Dennys breakfast than skip lunch, usually and amongst this strip of tourist trap restaurants, I found my kryptonite…the biggest, tastiest danishes I’ve ever had with a Kona coffee. Little local place that was always packed with tourists. Occasionally I’d buy a danish for lunch. And right around the corner was the dinner I’d have most late afternoons. A Mai Tai or 2, with a plate of crabcakes. But not just any crabcakes. This place rocked a variety of them. my recollection is they had 7 or 8 varieties…teriyaki or hollendaise being my favorite. As you can imagine, about 1 week in I started weighing. In spite of all my walking, I was up to 230. Never did get lower than that while I was there and it of course was the slow but steady beginning of a climb back to about 250 which I stuck for a good 3 yrs after that. But I digress from the best part of Maui.

As I have a bad back, walking took its toll. I should mention at the “House of Crabcakes” as I’ll call it, I met this very pretty too young for me, bartenders gf who was having a conversation with him about hockey. The playoffs were on & I believe the Kings were playing. It was fascinating to be in Maui, watching hockey on a big screen & seeing how excited visitors & locals alike were about the game! I used to be the operations manager of Calgary Flames Radio so we struck up a good conversation & a pleasant afternoon was had.

But back to my bad back. I felt a good massage was what I needed & found a practioner online who happened to work out of her apt near by the restaurant, so I make an appt & so my new best Maui memories began. The masseuse was this beautiful, somewhat wild & incredibly intelligent, articulate and interesting woman with long raven hair who aspired to be an artist. After the massage, she offered some pot and we sat in her living room, we talked about her art which filled the living room & was in various stages, worked on as she was inspired. And so began a little affair of the heart at least on my end. We travelled the island together, swam everyday (I remember she had this mermaid fin that she loved because it worked the abs. i had never seen such a thing. It was something to behold. We sat on the beach every night & smoked pot. We saw some concerts under the stars. It was a blissful 3 weeks, even though I knew it couldn’t last. Remember that pretty & interesting gal who loved hockey at the bar? Turned out it was my masseuse friends daughter. Shoulda known.

My last day in Maui, I took them both out for brunch at the 4 Seasons Hotel. Very expensive but very lovely…and I was thrilled to see what a treat it was for them. She was pretty much a poor struggling artist, no car so in spite of how close a drive it was & how small the island is, it may as well have been a great distance. Especially as the 4 Seasons wasn’t where the “locals” hung out. So it was our last special time together. I had 410 bucks US left in my pocket and offered her 400 to help her out a bit. She didn’t want to take it but I said look at it as a down payment on a painting she was working on that I liked. I said I plan to come back & get it someday & so we parted. That was 6 years ago. I never spoke with her again for various reasons, including that I didn’t expect to be around much longer.

Maybe…one day…I’ll go back again and see what she has painted since. Wouldn’t that be something.


Thanks for sharing. That was a lovely read, my friend.

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233.2 again. Kinda realized it on & off since my last fast but sure of it today that I never feel great in the morning anymore. I think its an easy answer as before the fast I was not in OMAD. I was doing more of a breakfast early in the AM than 2nd meal anywhere between 11 and 3 at the latest. Honestly, I thought OMAD would be easier after a 19 day fast, but every morning I feel like its morning fasting symptoms again. Slightly upset stomach, sometimes headaches, just a general yucky feeling. It feels like I may as well be in full fast again? but I’m resisting just doing it now as I am on plan to ease into it with very low carbs until I start Monday. I am hoping it will make my first 3 days easier.

How I feel every morning does make me wonder if I want to do OMAD after. I’m totally committed to a keto lifestyle. No issues there but 2MAD might be a better option for me in particular. I know thats an eating lifestyle I can adhere to long term. I did it for the longest time. It only didnt work great from a weight loss or maintenance situation for me I believe because I was mostly eating high carb & ingesting a lot of bad sweetener. I think you have to listen to your body & have some flexibility in your response. You want be healthy but you don’t want to be miserable either. I used to have a lot of joy waking up in the morning, anticipating the day, especially in the spring & summer. Now I feel just blah & need to figure out a way to make that go away.

Otherwise…not a great day yesterday. First day without work to go to, in almost 3 years. I took no pleasure in being at home. I woke up early as I always do so there was no “treat” in being home. Best part of the day was losing one pound.

I found out yesterday that a basset hound owned by a friend of a friend died. I loved that hound & hearing he died got my stirrings for a dog going again. I am lonely and especially now, not working. Which really became more of an issue when I was suddenly cut from working 5 days per week to 3. But now, being unemployed is not the right time to take on financial responsibility of a dog as much as I think emotionally would be great for me. I do not want to be one of those people who gives away their dog.

The other thing that happened yesterday has its roots in a valuable family lakefront property that my parents, my sister & I own jointly. 6 yrs ago when I was desperate to find work. My sister was prepared to buy my & my parents share out, I obviously had my motivations but my folks weren’t prepared to sell their share & the whole deal was dependent upon all 3 parties wanting to go forward. So that led to some anger, resentment & mistrust. My folks wanted to be in it for 5 more years. Which in the end, what could I do but respect that? I said NOTHING for 5 years, then brought it up when we visited last summer. My folks were now ready, but my sister now, was not as she had opened up a new legal practice on her own & wanted a year to see how it went. Understandable but frustrating and I held my tongue.

In february of this year, my mom txted me and said “we are ready to do this”. So they talked to my sister…my understanding was we are all ready. Just a matter of when this year. But I thought, good. Its been a point of contention on & off, my dad is 85 & its just time.

So my mom called me about some cabin related possessions stuff yesterday & somehow the conversation turned to my mom saying “I didnt want to do this so quickly, we’re doing it for you, blah blah blah, but oh well now its moving and it will be done but we’re not going to rush it you know”. Which really hurt because I said nothing for 5 years. Than again nothing after our conversation last year until my Mom started it again this year. So I felt yesterday like for some reason blame was being laid at my feet and it hurt…a lot.

But, as I often do in conversations with my Mom, I bite my tongue. We rarely have good conversations & thats sad when your parents are old enough they might not be around for much longer. When distance is an obstacle to communication, there are misunderstandings often of words & feelings of mistrust, on both sides I’m sure. For my Mom I’m sure it goes back to finding out in 2014 I intended to take my life and she won’t forgive me or try to understand anything about it. I think she feels some guilt & failure & while I’ve apologized if I hurt them somehow my Mom will never address her own issues, at least not with us, her kids. My Mom can be very considerate, but she also can easily take issue with others. I can be tolerant when its about me, my sister or non family. just chalking it up to being crankier as she gets older. But when its unfounded criticism of my kids, usually a result of her anticipation of how my kids might react to something, I get defensive on their behalf (for example, my mom would say something like “you know, your kids are adults now & shouldn’t expect we are going to keep giving them xmas presents cause we spend a lot for xmas & don’t have a lot of money & our condo isn’t worth what it was when we bought it & on & on & on”. My kids have never been entitled, never have had expectations & I certainly didn’t raise them in a way that if this happened they wouldn’t have the capacity to understand. Maybe its the way Mom says it, but it pisses me off. And this our pattern of conversations. I’ve tried twice to have a calm conversation with her, in person, just the 2 of us to try to get back to a better place. But her walls go up & she lashes out & we get nowhere. It saddens me because I don’t think it will ever change.

Anyway, here I go off on a tangent again. And I thank you again for bearing with me. I have no friends to share with outside of the online world (thats a whole other topic I don’t want to get in to), yet I feel like I have to get it out so, here we are.

Less than one week to the next big fast. I feel mentally prepared. Hoping I will be physically ready.

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Just had a bit of an emotional eat. Not totally out of control but def an emotional response as I ate 2 pieces of keto cheesecake. No sauce, threw away the crust. Applying for jobs for 3 weeks now, some I thought I was sure I’d get a call to interview. Had a wave of depression & memory of the same experience in 2014 looking for jobs. Anger, sadness and a feeling of not being wanted or needed washed over me and I said F’k it. It’s done. Just a bump in the road and hopefully worst impact is I don’t lose any weight today. I’ll restart my daily fast on Zero app & go for a walk this afternoon

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231.8 today. Broke 50lb so I’ll celebrate that victory! As I do a quick reflection, 33 of those lb have been lost since April 6th. The rest since Feb. My weight loss today comes with a bit of a mystery & questions as I had an emotional eating breakdown yesterday & ate keto cheesecake, driving my carbs up from 13 to 25+. Still a very low number but when you are used to single digit & teens, 25 carbs feels like omg until you think about it. Just a side note, not a concern but it drove my calories up to almost 1700 for the day. I say all this because in spite of my “cheat” I still lost 1.4 lb. This is where I scratch my head at the imperfect science of all this as you try to figure out the “why”. Is there an undereating threshold? Is it a change from your normal food routine…or switching from OMAD to 2MAD for a day or two? You could read opinions online all day and still not figure out the mysteries of weight loss and how and when it happens. I guess all you can do is be happy when it does! An imperfect science for sure.

Maybe I need a reward of a better scale. I do have a pretty solid theory that my scale is not sensitive enough to track under 1lb changes. Based on what generally seems to be an every 2nd-3rd day 1.2 to 1.4lb drop seems so. On the other hand, maybe its a way I’m being told to stop weighing in daily!

Today should be a good day. I’m finally able to apply for the govt COVID relief & for anyone who cries “socialism”, I’m not ashamed to take the money. I’ve paid into the system at the max level for 36 out of the 42 years I’ve paid into it, never have taken a dime out of it before, even when I probably could have. So no guilt here. So I applied. I should in 3 business days get my first 2000 from the Canadian Govt & thank you very much. In the meantime I keep on applying selectively for jobs, but at least I have breathing room.

The other thing that gets me pumped for the day is the opportunity to work side by side with my daughter on furniture refinishing today. A passion for me for years, a new project for her. There is nothing I enjoy more than doing stuff with my kids, especially my daughter as she has a keen desire to learn things & do it for herself. I was proud a few weeks ago when I reminded her it was time to switch her tires for the season. I did the first one has a quick refresher for her of what I taught her a year-and-a-half ago, then she jumped in and did the other three with confidence and fast. she has that same sense of can do and accomplishment that I get when I learn how to do something new and it turns out well. my dad instilled that in me and it’s great to see it carry through to another generation. On the other hand as much as I love my son, it doesn’t seem to be in his DNA LOL.

Anyway, it’s a day to look forward to busy doing stuff I love to do with one of my favourite people!

Happy humpday!


Ah, the imperfect science of the daily weigh in. The biggest blindspot is not being able to tell you how much is lean muscle mass and how much is fat. Another issue is the emotional roller coaster it has on many people.

I always council people to focus on the weekly average and how are your clothes fitting. Those are better indicators. A friend of mine @Rebecca_Hughes is a perfect example. She was freaking out over not losing a lot of weight and then took comparison pictures:


Hi @Tenax Terry! Welcome to the group. I have been away from the forum for a bit, so I know I have missed a lot of the newcomers. The info here is great and super helpful! Fasting for me has been a great help in curing my colitis, aiding in digestion, a great anti-ager, to name a few. But weight loss…well…no so much. But now size shrinkage, yes, fasting has been a miracle. I wish I did take tests or measure some how my muscle mass before my fasting lifestyle began to measure the difference. I’ll just have to go with smaller close but practically he same weight since I started fasting/IF/OMADing/keto back November 2018. When I started I wore a US 12, now I wear a US 8. Look at the process like a snowball. The snowball starts like a small marble at the top of the slope, but as it rolls down the hill is gathers more snow and by the time it gets to the bottom you have a huge snowball. However, if you were to throw the marble sized snowball, it probably wouldn’t even make it to the bottom for one, and where ever it hit, it would just splat. Weightloss and the gains one gets with fasting is much the same way. When the consistency is there, you will yield big results. It may not be noticeable at first, or even for awhile, but in time, the results will show up. I think you’re doing great! You have a great attitude and that will get you really far! Happy humpday!

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What a day! Exhausting but good. 5 hours outside stripping & sanding 3 Adirondack chairs with my daughter, 3 trips to hardware stores, coronavirus shopping lineup restrictions, lining up to get into recycling depot which has finally reopened. Is this life from now on? My back was sore & I was beat then realized I needed hardware store stop #4 before I retired for the evening. Then I realized a Dodge Ram forum buddy has a show car event they do once per month in the parking lot of the store I went to. So reluctantly, I hung out there for an hour cause he’s asked me to pop by for over a year. Nice to be home finally, today!

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I’m exhaused just reading it haha!! You sound like you kept busy tho so that’s a bonus!!!

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Yep I really need busy to take my mind off not working & applying for jobs…Here’s some more light reading for you😃;

230.4 today. Down another 1.4lb & a big number for me as 2 years ago that was where I stalled for days & days and gave up. But its a much different me today, better equipped for the next leg. I am:

-Better educated rather than floundering in the “low fat, high processed” mythology
-Immersed deep in the keto lifestyle
-Using fasting as a regular tool
-Not working allowing me to focus on this aspect of my life almost exclusively
-Doing it during a season of the yr where I’m easily motivated to walk & do other things outside

It appears yesterday my Canadian Govt CERB benefit will be going through giving me the security of knowing money won’t be an issue for 4 months. When I did my last fast, worry about getting laid off, my daughters wedding which was to happen July 1st & how will I make ends meet was giving me stress as well as the unknowns of a much longer fast than before. All that is alleviated in this next round of fasting (Wedding moved to a year from now. Bit of a told you so for Dad as I thought it should have been next year anyway. Surprisingly its the son in law to be who says he thinks its too long. I suspect my lovely daughter feels the same way but is not voicing it. Easier to put on him:) Plus she’s 27, he’s 34 & I think he’s feeling the clock more so to get married?) In any case glad its moved because I put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with money for a nice wedding present & to lose a bunch of weight before the wedding. Its my one positive of CV 19 I guess.

Otherwise, a 1.4 lb drop again today, has given me a bit of a rebel feeling today. (Or maybe the luxury of doing things off established pattern today). I weighed early…I did my keto blood test early (2.9 vs 3.2 last week. No surprise. Level of hydration seems to make a fair difference. I’m still nicely in keto) & I ate early todsy. Thats relative as I was 21 hours since last feed. Biggest issue doing that is am I going to wake up wanting to eat tomorrow at 2am? Ahhh, I have a secret weapon. I held back 2 slices of bacon from my breakfast so I can have them after I go back to bed for 2-3 hours. I’m also trying to shake things up a bit from pattern. Plus I know today like yesterday, is going to be another very physical day working on my daughters furniture refinishing project. I hope to break 230. But I’m not going to worry about it. What will be will be.

Tomorrow is my last “regular feed” before I take a few days to really lower the calories to get ready for the fast starting Monday. I purposely will be at 10g of carbs or under today to Monday & the fast start. I’m feeling I will be ready, yet preparing myself for 3 rough days. Will it be an easier entry into the fast than last time? I just don’t know as I haven’t been here before. And last fast I came out of a largely high carb eating situation into the fast. I have me water, my electrolyte solution & zero aids otherwise) no laxatives, no t3s, no sleep aids.

I’ve been reflecting on why I’m doing another fast so soon.

-I want to get used to being able to fast, comfortably whenever I like. If for no other reason, the benefits of cleansing.
-I need to know if I can fast comfortably or if my body can’t do this. Going into it better educated, prepared and without all the “solutions” I threw in for my digestive system will give me my best chance. I may well find I can only do it x days. But I would rather do 5 days in comfort than 20 in daily pain. This will help guide my fasting plans going forward.
-I feel like I didn’t finish the last fast on my own terms as I was bound & determined to hit 30 days. So part of the reason I’ve chosen 5 day legs.

Last bit of journalling today hopefully will make you chuckle. I wanted to wear an old pair of jeans for working on my daughters chairs & found some 42 waisted jeans (At 282 I wore a tight 46). I of course should have grabbed a belt but I was in a rush & thought I’ll just be working in my daughters backyard if I have to pull them up once in awhile cause you see, I have no butt at the best of times & suspect along with my face, my butt is one of the first things to lose weight! Anyway, I’m 5 minutes into scooting around in my daughters backyard & my jeans are falling down to my knees. So no belt…dummy. So being a McGyver type, I grab 2 spare bungie cords & improvised a belt. Didn’t work very well, even though I thought it was pretty clever!!!

btw for those who say focus on measurements not weight…I know from history that I will be a 38 on verge of 36 waist once I hit 220. I still have a brand new pair of 36 jeans that I never quite got into in 2014. I am curious if I get to my target 200 what my waist size will be. I vaguely remember 33 from when I don’t recall. Even more faintly I recall 31. To get to 36 or below would be fun because my son who no one would call overweight wears a 36 I believe.

Happy thursday! On the way to the weekend soon!

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Once I establish my body set point at the weight range I’m happy with I will probably downgrade to 5 or 7-day maintenance fasts. The research scientists I respect range from 1 maintenance fast per year to 1 per quarter.

After I completed my “boss challenge” 40-day I swore never again would I fast again for that long. 21-day fasts appear to achieve the same things for me without the high price the 40-day demanded. The 1st 14-days I can maintain a workout schedule with the final week being more challenging energy-wise so I downgrade to 1 mile walk or rest.

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Great info. Thank you!

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Weight steady from yesterday today but I won’t complain. I lost about 3lb over 2 days prior. And I’m 2 smoothies away from fasting and looking for to the next journey of reflection. I started my last fast about 5 weeks ago and so much has changed since then;

I’ve lost 34 lb
I’ve lost my job
My daughters wedding has been moved by from this summer to 2021.
I’ve stopped using bad sweeteners (and found a good one but using much less than I used to)
I’m eating far better than I used to.
I’m enjoying my food more and savouring it my bites
I’m drinking lots of water (thank you sparkling water!)
Our family cabin financial issues are finally being settled after a lot of painful discussion, everyone having different motivations & priorities.

It’s been a busy little 5 to 6 weeks in my life. Now that I know I have some guaranteed income to cover me until end of August, I really want to try clean my mind & spirit and focus on finding solid ground from the highs and lows of everything. Hopefully many nice summer days are ahead & I feel a keen desire to visit the cabin and do a lot of walking in the wilderness. My sons birthday is on June 17th so if still in fast leading up to I intend to break it the week before so I can enjoy a birthday meal with my family. While my weight goal is 30ish lbs away I am not going to stress myself by saying I want to be down 30lb by then. My last fasting experience tells me it likely won’t happen. But I do believe a solid 220…10.4 lb down in the next month is very achievable. So thats where my weight focus will be on. I’d like to say that I will check the scale less often. Let’s just say its a nice idea. Can I do it? I’ll get back to you. 30+ years of on & off scale watching.

I’m looking forward to a walk today…and the simple pleasure of buying only a few groceries because of fasting coming up. whip cream for my smoothies and a ton of bottled sparkling water. I have food for when I come out of my fast so I think I’m good to go! All I need is for my body to roll with it better than last time!

Happy Friday!

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229 today, down 1.4 lb and a big day for me as I’m now past the 230lb block that sabotaged me 2ish years ago. Its also about 1 month shy of 6 years since I weighed at 230 during my time in Maui. 2 days, 2 smoothies to my next fast & here we go and I feel good momentum.

This was a funny week as I look at my intended OMAD fast history this week & being brutally honest as I tracked I only truly did OMAD the last 3 days of the past 7 and yet, it was still a really good week. There were just some days I felt I needed a bit more, didn’t worry about it it as I felt it probably wouldn’t hurt to vary the pattern a bit so I didn’t stall. my first feed those days was consistent, but my “snack” was at 10am one day, another 4pm for example, but never later than that. I was questioning whether rigid OMAD was not going to work for me, but I simply think in hindsight its not where the focus should be in my head. Staying in ketosis, eating in a way that is healthy & a sustainable way to eat as a lifestyle is most important, whether I once or twice per day. So going forward, having dabbled with mixing OMAD & 2MAD together, I think its easily sustainable. The other benefits I see off the top of my head…Any flexibility you can introduce to feeding that doesn’t sabotage your goals is a good thing. Rigidity adds stress & better chance of feeling a need to “break” if you are feeling denied. It’s also good because I have been at family functions where I have asked everyone else to adapt to my eating pattern from their normal of starting a meal at 630, 7pm. I have a pretty good excuse with my GERD. Eating later can be a disaster for my acid reflux so I avoid it like the plague, but I believe now if I don’t make it a habit to do so, if I eat moderately & avoid foods that I know are GERD triggers, I can do it safely. I don’t believe my GERD ever goes away, but I know its controllable.

A few other quick reflections.

I have not eaten out, fast food etc since April 3rd. Very proud of that. That’s a complete 180 turn from where my head & stomach were at, at that point.
Money saved- Knowing there was a good chance I was going to get laid off due to CV 19, I knew in my head right from the start, I had to break the quick takeout food habit. I remarked to my kids mom in December that I would look at my credit card purchases & lament that I was spending 3-400 per month on that. What felt even worse was to look back some days & see I had egg mcmuffins & coffee for breakfast, then grabbed say a burrito for lunch, then sure, order skip the dishes for dinner or a pint of ice cream at 7-11, cause tomorrow will be another chance. Yet while all this is going on I’m thinking not only is this unhealthy, but I simply won’t be able to afford to do this if my hours get cut back, never mind a layoff. And that’s what happened and it was my last fast that literally helped me break that pattern. I’m not afraid to admit I’m a junkie when it comes to fast, heavily processed & convenient food & I’ll always have to be mindful of that. I am just starting to see the financial benefit as I had no spices aside from salt & pepper, an indoor grill, slow cooker & a spatula when I started. I’ve since bought a mixer, air fryer, chopper, blender, bowls, fry pan, cooking pot, knife set, oven pans, rolling pin, wisker and more proper groceries to live keto than I can count. Hundreds of dollars at least but I call all the hardware an investment in living better & healthier than ever in my life, so I have no regrets.

It felt like a payoff going into the fast this week to buy only 4 things. 14 big bottles of sparkling water, Swerve sweetener & whipping cream for my last 2 smoothies before fasting & a stupid rolling pin I didn’t need right now but I know I will after the fast & boy, a cheap rolling pin is so hard to find these days so I thought for 10 bucks I better get one now if I see one!

I remember well growing up & the days where eating out was an actual treat. It went along with a reason to celebrate. It was as much about getting together with good company as the food. My folks still treat it that way. It has never been a financial option to do otherwise & my mom enjoys cooking. Now as a society we pick up or take out on a whim, we eat too much, we eat in our own isolation, advertising is filled with how quick & convenient it is to eat this way (touting it like its a favour to us because of our “busy lives”. I remember my folks always being busy too. Both working, then always doing stuff around the house or baseball or skiing with me, visiting with neighbors over the fence…little time or interest in tv & to this day the closest they have come to a computer is my Mom has a smart phone. My dad never touches it. Just no need to him. So yeah, they kept as busy as anyone & did fine without “convenient” food)

I truly am looking forward to the next gathering we do take in or eat out as it will be good food (not quick junk) accompanied by good company. The way it should be, right? My countdown to fast begins.My last “feed” will be approximately 24 hours from now. Water & electrolytes as necessary only. The only obstacle I see possibly is my GERD. Otherwise, I’m ready as I can be.

For those getting a long weekend, have a good one!


Reading that gives me memories from growing up. We only ate out on super special occasions, small town with no fast food or anything. We may have gone out 1 or 2 times per year?? One place was the local pub, highlight was watching the lobsters in the water tank and the 2nd was Chinese restaurant. Went into the city once for a maccas party, blew my mind lol.

We didn’t have any money growing up and eating out just wasn’t done. Now I live on the coast of a city and within 10ks there are hundreds of choices.

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